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  • OASIS Open EMTC at IAEM 2024 Conference

    Jacob Westfall reported that the OASIS Open Emergency Management Technical Committee (EMTC) booth at the 2024 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Annual Conference Nov. 15-21 2024 in Colorado Springs, Colorado was set up with banners and handouts on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and the Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL).   Jacob, Chair of EM CAP TC, noted that the focus of our participation for 2024 was the 20th anniversary of CAP. The booth also had party hats and pins available that were very popular.

    The audience for this conference was fairly regional to Colorado and western States, with more government and military attendees than previous years.  Jacob did notice there were more alerting devices and hands-on demos this year compared to previous years.  In addition to speaking to those who stopped by the booth, Jacob also visited every exhibitor who uses CAP in their products and services to take a "birthday" photo with them to promote their use of the CAP standard. A selection of those exhibitors is shown in the photos that follow.

  • PreAward Meeting at 15h today

    As previously announced the preaward subcomittee meetings will resume this afternoon:

    2019-01-16 UBL Atlantic - 09:00MSP/10:00Lima/10:00Ottawa/15:00UTC/16:00Europe


       Meeting ID: 547 975 473

       Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

       Or iPhone one-tap (US toll):

        +14086380968,,547975473#  or +16465588656,,547975473#

       Or international dial-in number (toll):

  • CAP: 20 years and Going Strong!

    On October 23, 2024, the OASIS Open Emergency Management Technical Committee celebrated 20 years of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) at this year’s CAP Implementation Workshop by sharing birthday party cake with attendees.

    2024 CAP Workshop Attendees

    Elysa and Eliot Cake Cutting

    The 2024 CAP Implementation Workshop and Training sessions were held 22-24 October in Leuven, Belgium. A Zoom Webinar was integrated for those who could not participate in person. The Workshop was a technical meeting intended for information sharing among experts. Accordingly, Workshop participants represented themselves and they did not formally represent any organizations with which they were affiliated. The Workshop and Training events had about 800 persons registered as participants. They were from 142 countries/territories, and many international organizations, commercial companies, academic institutions, or other non-governmental organizations. About 50 people participated in person at the Irish College in Leuven, Belgium.

    Recordings of the 2024 CAP Workshop and Training Webinars can be accessed at the following links. Enter the passcode: CAP-Workshop-2024 when prompted.

    • Training Day: 22 October link
    • Workshop Day One: 23 October link
    •  Workshop Day Two: 24 October link

    The following other documents might be also of interest:

    • The Programme lists all of the Workshop agenda topics and links to the presentations;

    • The list of Speakers includes speaker biographies, portraits and links to the presentations;

     • The list of Participants gives name and organizational affiliation of registered participants

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