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Subject: Spanish UBL translation
People following the OASIS UBL effort will recall that UBL
subcommittees are in the process of translating the UBL 1.0 data
definitions into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. When
complete, these four translations (together with the original
English) will make the UBL element and attribute names
understandable to more than two-thirds of the world's current
online population.
A Japanese draft translation of the UBL definitions was announced
on these lists with a request for comments on 23 July 2004, and a
Korean draft translation on 7 October 2004. See
I am pleased to announce that the UBL Spanish Localization
Subcommittee (ESLSC) has now released the first draft of their
translation, which can be found at
The ESLSC invites speakers of Spanish to comment upon their work.
Please send all comments and questions regarding the translation
to the ESLSC co-chairs, Oriol Bausa Peris (,
Florencio Diaz Vilchez (, and Fabio Arciniegas
Jon Bosak
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