OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Changes for the DITA RNG Convertor repo that Eliot has suggested

    Posted 09-07-2021 12:35
    Current info for the DITA RNG Convertor repository ------------------------------------------------------------ Description The DITA RNG Converter provides cross-platform tools for generating DITA-conforming DTD- and XSD-format versions of RELAX NG DITA grammars: document type shells, vocabulary modules, and constraint modules. It makes it as easy as possible to develop and maintain DITA grammars by allowing use of RELAX NG syntax. Statement of Purpose The repository manages the source code and supporting documentation for the RELAX NG-to-DTD and RELAX NG-to-XSD (and any other RNG-to-X transforms that might be developed, such as RELAX NG-to-EDD or RELAX NG-to-Schematron) transforms developed originally for use by the DITA TC in producing the DITA 1.3 DTDs and XSDs from the normative RELAX NG versions of the DITA 1.3 grammar. The converter is intended to make it easy for any DITA user to develop and maintain their own document type shells, constraint modules, and vocabulary modules using RELAX NG, which has proven to be much easier to use than DTD or XSD. Additions to Statement of Purpose Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules RNG-to-XSD: Generates conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate both DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of December 2016 or as early in 2017 as possible. Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features.Development Plan New wording proposed by Eliot ------------------------------------ ... Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates both conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules , as well as single-file DTDs. RNG-to-XSD: Generates both conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules that use the XSD redefine feature as well as monolithic single-file XSDs that do not use redefine. XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate DITA 1.2, DITA 1.3, and DITA 2.x shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of April 2022 . Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features. -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee OASIS Distinguished Contributor Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype)

  • 2.  Changing info for an Open OASIS repo

    Posted 09-07-2021 12:40
    Chet, the changes that Eliot has suggested below don't require working with you, I think. However, I think we might want to slightly modify the description and statement of purpose. If we do, does that need to go through you? Thanks for your help. Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee OASIS Distinguished Contributor Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [dita] Changes for the DITA RNG Convertor repo that Eliot has suggested Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2021 08:35:10 -0400 From: Kristen James Eberlein <kris@eberleinconsulting.com> To: DITA TC <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> Current info for the DITA RNG Convertor repository ------------------------------------------------------------ Description The DITA RNG Converter provides cross-platform tools for generating DITA-conforming DTD- and XSD-format versions of RELAX NG DITA grammars: document type shells, vocabulary modules, and constraint modules. It makes it as easy as possible to develop and maintain DITA grammars by allowing use of RELAX NG syntax. Statement of Purpose The repository manages the source code and supporting documentation for the RELAX NG-to-DTD and RELAX NG-to-XSD (and any other RNG-to-X transforms that might be developed, such as RELAX NG-to-EDD or RELAX NG-to-Schematron) transforms developed originally for use by the DITA TC in producing the DITA 1.3 DTDs and XSDs from the normative RELAX NG versions of the DITA 1.3 grammar. The converter is intended to make it easy for any DITA user to develop and maintain their own document type shells, constraint modules, and vocabulary modules using RELAX NG, which has proven to be much easier to use than DTD or XSD. Additions to Statement of Purpose Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules RNG-to-XSD: Generates conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate both DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of December 2016 or as early in 2017 as possible. Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features.Development Plan New wording proposed by Eliot ------------------------------------ ... Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates both conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules , as well as single-file DTDs. RNG-to-XSD: Generates both conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules that use the XSD redefine feature as well as monolithic single-file XSDs that do not use redefine. XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate DITA 1.2, DITA 1.3, and DITA 2.x shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of April 2022 . Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features. -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee OASIS Distinguished Contributor Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php .

  • 3.  Re: Changing info for an Open OASIS repo

    Posted 09-07-2021 15:51
    Hi Kris, I would like to check it out for you just to be sure I don't have to flag anything as problematic from the point of view of the Open Repo or OASIS rules. That's just so I can do a quick check for you. However, because this is an open repository, all you need to do is propose the changes to the community in one or more pull requests. Assuming you get no push back, the maintainer can merge the changes under whatever working procedures you have in place. I don't see anything of concern in the changes proposed below. /chet On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 8:40 AM Kristen James Eberlein < kris@eberleinconsulting.com > wrote: Chet, the changes that Eliot has suggested below don't require working with you, I think. However, I think we might want to slightly modify the description and statement of purpose. If we do, does that need to go through you? Thanks for your help. Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee OASIS Distinguished Contributor Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [dita] Changes for the DITA RNG Convertor repo that Eliot has suggested Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2021 08:35:10 -0400 From: Kristen James Eberlein <kris@eberleinconsulting.com> To: DITA TC <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> Current info for the DITA RNG Convertor repository ------------------------------------------------------------ Description The DITA RNG Converter provides cross-platform tools for generating DITA-conforming DTD- and XSD-format versions of RELAX NG DITA grammars: document type shells, vocabulary modules, and constraint modules. It makes it as easy as possible to develop and maintain DITA grammars by allowing use of RELAX NG syntax. Statement of Purpose The repository manages the source code and supporting documentation for the RELAX NG-to-DTD and RELAX NG-to-XSD (and any other RNG-to-X transforms that might be developed, such as RELAX NG-to-EDD or RELAX NG-to-Schematron) transforms developed originally for use by the DITA TC in producing the DITA 1.3 DTDs and XSDs from the normative RELAX NG versions of the DITA 1.3 grammar. The converter is intended to make it easy for any DITA user to develop and maintain their own document type shells, constraint modules, and vocabulary modules using RELAX NG, which has proven to be much easier to use than DTD or XSD. Additions to Statement of Purpose Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules RNG-to-XSD: Generates conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate both DITA 1.2 and DITA 1.3 shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of December 2016 or as early in 2017 as possible. Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features.Development Plan New wording proposed by Eliot ------------------------------------ ... Tool Overview This project provides the following transforms from RNG grammars that follow the coding conventions used by the DITA Technical Committee for the TC-defined modules and shells: RNG-to-DTD: Generates both conforming DTD-syntax document type shells and modules , as well as single-file DTDs. RNG-to-XSD: Generates both conforming XSD-syntax document type shells and modules that use the XSD redefine feature as well as "monolithic" single-file XSDs that do not use redefine. XML entity resolution catalog generator: Generates XML entity resolution catalogs for the RNG, DTD, and XSD modules processed or generated. The transforms are implemented as XSLT transforms and run through an Ant script. See the project documentation for details. The transforms can be run standalone or through an Open Toolkit plugin. The transforms have no dependency on the DITA Open Toolkit itself. You can use these transforms to generate DITA 1.2, DITA 1.3, and DITA 2.x shells and modules: RNG versions of the DITA 1.2 shells and vocabulary are included in the project (as developed by the DITA Technical Committee). NOTE: At some point the OASIS-defined grammars will be removed from this project and you'll need to get the latest DITA Open Toolkit distribution in order to minimize the number of copies of the OASIS-provided grammars. Development Plan The code as added 24 March 2016 is still under development and requires more work to make it ready for general use. The latest code is on the develop branch. The current development plan is: Fix bugs related to infinite looping of code when generating shells, as reported by Toshihiko Makita on the DITA Community version of the repo ( https://github.com/dita-community/dita-rng-converter/issues/2 ) Refine the Ant scripts to ensure that all parameters are appropriate and working. Finish documentation. Schedule: Goal is to complete these actions by the end of April 2022 . Additional implementation goals include: Provide a simple interactive tool for creating new document type shells and generating DTD and XSD from them. Implement a FrameMaker EDD generation process to make it easier to use local shells, specializations, and constraints with FrameMaker. Please use the project issue tracker to report any bugs or log feature requests. Please use the project Wiki for general discussion not related to specific bugs or features. -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee OASIS Distinguished Contributor Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting LLC www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 622-1501; kriseberlein (skype) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php . -- Chet Ensign Chief Technical Community Steward OASIS Open +1 201-341-1393 chet.ensign@oasis-open.org www.oasis-open.org

  • 4.  Another Troubleshooting change

    Posted 09-07-2021 14:04
    All,   As we updated the Stage 3 proposal for Troubleshooting, Kris and I found a use case that hadn’t been considered in associated with the <diagnostics> section. We imagined that some people might create a troubleshooting topic with a <diagnostics> section that ultimately pointed to remedies in other topics, rather than contained in a <troubleSolution> section within that topic. However, <troubleSolution> is currently required. I am loath to put in empty elements to satisfy a requirement, because I believe it is indicative that the structure is too restrictive. So we want to propose that <troubleSolution> not be required within a troubleshooting topic.   Let’s discuss in today’s TC meeting.   Thanks, Dawn