OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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indexterms and "excluding nested topics"

  • 1.  indexterms and "excluding nested topics"

    Posted 07-26-2006 19:25
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: indexterms and "excluding nested topics"

    In the writeup for index-range-start, we say:
     Due to the potential for orphaned range markers during
     map assembly, page ranges cannot span topics at the topic
     level. Index ranges that start within a topic must end in
     the same topic, excluding nested topics. 
    I'm not sure what the above sentences mean.
    Are we saying that ranges can start and end anyplace 
    within a "top level topic"--irrespective of any 
    substructure including any contained (and therefore 
    non-top level) topics--where a "top level topic" is 
    a topic or any specialization thereof that has no 
    ancestor that is a topic or any specialization thereof?
    Assuming so, then I gather that any of the following 
    would still be allowed:
    But what wouldn't be allowed would include:
    Am I understanding our proposed meaning correctly?

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