I believe I have finally cracked the XSD generation nut. All my validation tests pass. I modified the generation process to produce the 1.2 names. I think that's the best solution: it's the simplest, it maintains consistency with the past, and it avoids having extra files that people would have to deal with. The only content model that I know I couldn't reflect exactly in the XSD is the topicref constraint for learningGroupMap and learningObjectMap: this constraint disallows <topicref> and limits elements from mapGroup to just keydef, mapref, and topicgroup. Unfortunately, without some serious and disruptive refactoring of the XSD map module, there is no way in XSD 1.0 to redefine the "topicref" group so that it does not allow <topicref>. I think that's a pretty minor variance from the normative grammar. If you care about the XSDs, please inspect and test them. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC