OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Small bug in XML Shcema utilities-domain.mod

  • 1.  Small bug in XML Shcema utilities-domain.mod

    Posted 05-17-2004 13:08
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Small bug in XML Shcema utilities-domain.mod

    Eric Sirois added the following comment to the OASIS-DITAsubmission-01.zip document in the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture TC Group.
    I found a small bug in the content model for <coords> in the schema utilities-domain.mod
    <xs:element name="coords" type="repsep.class" substitutionGroup="ph"/>
    should be  <xs:element name="coords" type="coords.class" substitutionGroup="ph"/>
    This will not affect validation of any documents, but it may affect any stylesheets that specialized <coords>
    because the class attribute will have repsep as a value.
    I wrote the DITA W3C XML Schema implementation of the DITA architecture.  If you have any questions about the implementation,
    please feel free to send me a note.  
    I'm in the middle "Relaxing" the DITA architecture.  I'm hoping to have something for the TC sooner than later. 
    Kind regards,
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