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Subject: RE: [dita] Navtitle and locktitle
I know of several users who set the locktitle value on the <map> element to
ensure that none of their titles are updated. If we change existing
processing to never inherit the value, it will be a pretty extensive change
for those users; they'll have to set the value on every topicref, and
remember to set it on every new topicref in the future.
I'd like to propose a compromise solution that would users to keep that
function. We could change the toolkit behavior to match the spec for all
elements within a map. However, for the map element itself, we treat the
locktitle setting as a declaration for the entire map. It would still be
possible to override the declared behavior selectively on individual
topicrefs inside the map.
Any agreement/disagreement? This would mean a slight change to the spec to
describe locktitle's effect on the map element. Currently, given that the
spec says not to inherit, there is no defined purpose for using @locktitle
on the map element itself.
Robert D Anderson
Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
(507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787
"Paul Prescod"
<paul.prescod@bla> To
Robert D
03/14/2006 09:54 Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
AM cc
RE: [dita] Navtitle and locktitle
I would strongly prefer that locktitle is NOT inherited, just as
navtitle is not inherited.