OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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DITA 1.1 XSDs validation using MSXML parser

  • 1.  DITA 1.1 XSDs validation using MSXML parser

    Posted 07-26-2006 15:59
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: DITA 1.1 XSDs validation using MSXML parser

    During my testing I discovered that the MSXML .NET 1.1 XML parser does not
    like the way the groups are redefined.  Their current redefinition
    interpretation of the group does not follow the spec.
    The basic expected behaviour is that is a redefined group includes a
    self-reference, the parser should treat the additional element as an
    extension to group.  If the group does not include a self-reference, the
    parser should treat new group as a restriction of the base group.
    Would it possible for someone on TC or who knows of someone who is more
    familiar with the MS parser check to see if the DITA  Schemas are validate
    with either the .NET 2.0 or MSXML 6.0?
    For those who are interested/will be defining props-attribute-extensions or
    base-attribute-extensions using the XML Schemas,  you will have to use the
    same mechanism for integrating a domain in an information type, albeit
    attributeGroups instead of groups.
    There is a workaround available.   I understand that this may not
    avoidable.  I would like to avoid having multiple sets of schemas that are
    tweaked based on the parser.  I'm hoping the later version of the parser
    fixes this inconsistency with the spec.
    Kind regards,
    Here is the snippet of  the XML Schema spec that defines how parser should
    validate redefined groups:
    Section 4.2.2 Including modified component definitions
    6 Within the [children], for each <group> the appropriate case among the
    following must be true:
      6.1 If it has a <group> among its contents at some level the �actual
    value� of whose ref [attribute] is the same as the �actual value� of its
    own name attribute plus target namespace, then all of the following must be
        6.1.1 It must have exactly one such group.
        6.1.2 The �actual value� of both that group's minOccurs and maxOccurs
    [attribute] must be 1 (or �absent�).
      6.2 If it has no such self-reference, then all of the following must be
        6.2.1 The �actual value� of its own name attribute plus target
    namespace must successfully �resolve� to a model group definition in I.
        6.2.2 The {model group} of the model group definition which corresponds
    to it per XML Representation of Model Group Definition Schema Components
    (�3.7.2) must be a �valid restriction� of the {model group} of that model
    group definition in I, as defined in Particle Valid (Restriction) (�3.9.6).
    Eric A. Sirois
    Staff Software Developer
    DB2 Universal Database - Information Development
    DITA Migration and Tools Development
    IBM Canada Ltd. - Toronto Software Lab
    Email: esirois@ca.ibm.com
    Phone:(905) 413-2841
    Blue Pages (Internal)
    "Transparency and accessibility requirements dictate that public
    information and government
    transactions avoid depending on technologies that imply or impose a
    specific product or
    platform on businesses or citizens" - EU on XML-based office document

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