OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  [dita] Bugs in learning/training XSDs

    Posted 09-08-2010 21:02


    I think I’ve found a few bugs in the learning/training schemas, bug I want to make sure. Specifically:

    ·         The class attributes on lcAreaCoords and lcProject are wrong, and lcAreaCoords is missing a trailing space.

    ·         learningBase doesn’t have a reference to domains-att.  I think it’s meant as a basis for specialization, but strictly speaking, if it doesn’t have a domains attribute, topics that inherit from it shouldn’t either.


  • 2.  Re: [dita] Bugs in learning/training XSDs

    Posted 09-09-2010 01:52

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for finding the bugs.  I'll add this to the fixes for the next package.  I'm hoping to have them ready for next weeks meeting.  

    Kind regards,

    Eric A. Sirois
    Staff Software Developer
    DB2 Universal Database - Information Development
    DITA XML Schema Architect and DITA Open Toolkit Developer
    IBM Canada Ltd. - Toronto Software Lab
    Phone:(905) 413-2841

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    From: "Nitchie, Chris" <cnitchie@ptc.com>
    To: "dita" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    Date: 09/08/2010 05:05 PM
    Subject: [dita] Bugs in learning/training XSDs

    I think I’ve found a few bugs in the learning/training schemas, bug I want to make sure. Specifically:
    ·         The class attributes on lcAreaCoords and lcProject are wrong, and lcAreaCoords is missing a trailing space.
    ·         learningBase doesn’t have a reference to domains-att.  I think it’s meant as a basis for specialization, but strictly speaking, if it doesn’t have a domains attribute, topics that inherit from it shouldn’t either.