reorganized to make behavior descriptions (eg conref and profiling) more
prominent - per comments from jeff ogden
added dtd/schema module usage summaries (from robert and eric)
added metadata inheritance/resolution between maps/topics (from robert)
added conref attribute override behavior
added map inheritance with relationship tables
incorporated second round of jeff ogden comments
still needed:
- new topic on foreign content generalization (parallel to attribute
generalization topic) - robert anderson
- updated foreign content specialization and processing topics - eric
- updated bookmap section - don day
- incorporate yas etessam's comments - mike p.
-- Michael Priestley
The document revision named DITA Arch spec 1.1 - work in progress
(ditaspec.pdf) has been submitted by Michael Priestley to the OASIS Darwin
Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC document repository. This
document is revision #5 of ditaspec.pdf.
Document Description:
reorganized to make behavior descriptions (eg conref and profiling) more
prominent - per comments from jeff ogden
added dtd/schema module usage summaries (from robert and eric)
added metadata inheritance/resolution between maps/topics (from robert)
added conref attribute override behavior
added map inheritance with relationship tables
incorporated second round of jeff ogden comments
still needed:
- new topic on foreign content generalization (parallel to attribute
generalization topic) - robert anderson
- updated foreign content specialization and processing topics - eric
- updated bookmap section - don day
- incorporate yas etessam's comments - mike p.
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-OASIS Open Administration