OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Re: [dita] Prototype DITA 1.1 DTDs

  • 1.  Re: [dita] Prototype DITA 1.1 DTDs

    Posted 06-21-2006 02:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [dita] Prototype DITA 1.1 DTDs

    I'd like to second Rodolfo's request. I ran into the same problem while 
    trying to validate docs, and happened to have conflicting catalogs. If 
    the DTDs and modules were versioned, I would not have run into the conflict.
    Best regards,
    Rodolfo M. Raya wrote:
    > On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 16:34 -0500, Robert D Anderson wrote:
    >     We've talked in the past about having version specific public IDs available
    >     in the catalog, but we would also have the version-agnostic version. The ID
    >     with no version would always point to the latest set of document types.
    >     This allows users to update their DTDs without having to update the DOCTYPE
    >     in their files.
    >     Of course, that particular concern is only a worry for the actual DTD
    >     files, not for the modules. So, I'm not sure if we want the modules to use
    >     public IDs with versions. My guess would be no, for consistency... but are
    >     there any other opinions?
    > Hi,
    > IMHO, each DTD and module version should have its own version number 
    > in the PUBLIC ID. This is the standard procedure that you can find in 
    > other XML vocabularies, like DocBook.
    > DTDs and catalogues are different things. Lazy users can play with 
    > their catalogues and make them point to the latest version without 
    > updating DOCTYPE declarations in their documents, but people dealing 
    > with different versions should be able to differentiate them in a 
    > catalogue.
    > FWIW, I found the problem while preparing my main catalogue to handle 
    > DITA 1.0 and DITA 1.1 at the same time. I expect user of my tools to 
    > have DITA 1.0 files, DITA 1.1 files and also their own customisations 
    > of DITA. My programs should be able to resolve the right entities and  
    > now the entity resolver cannot differentiate between DITA 1.0 and DITA 
    > 1.1 because the DTDs have the same PUBLIC IDs .
    > Please keep in mind that not only technical writers deal with DITA 
    > files. I work with translation tools and for my company it is 
    > important to handle any official  version of DITA, without asking 
    > translators (our end users) that know nothing about DTDs and 
    > catalogues to tweak configuration files every time they get a DITA 
    > document to translate.
    > I think that this issue needs to be carefully reviewed.
    > Best regards,
    > Rodolfo M. Raya
    > Heartsome
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    fn:Scott Hudson
    org:Flatirons Solutions;Content Management Services
    adr:Suite 200;;4747 Table Mesa Drive;Boulder;CO;80305;USA
    note:Knowledge is Power. Sharing is Empowerment.

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