I agree with Eliot's suggestion. Nested task in troubleshooting is an edge-case itself. I suppose that there is an even deeper edge case where it might matter. But, little harm can come from allowing it. For those who care to exclude it, it'll be trivial to turn it off from the shell. Best Regards, Bob On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Eliot Kimber <
ekimber@contrext.com > wrote: The implication is that task can nest one level within troubleshooting, but you can't then nest a task within a task. Is that the correct intent? I think I would be more comfortable with allowing task to nest within itself as the default. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC
http://contrext.com On 5/4/15, 9:27 AM, "Bob Thomas" <
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com > wrote: >Hi, >Last month, I had a dialog with George Bina about DITA topic ( ' >topic/topic ') showing up in the content model when task was a nested >topic within troubleshooting. I verified that this was the case and >traced its cause to the fact that I had not overridden the >task-info-types parameter entity in troubleshooting.dtd. Consequently, >the model for task in task.mod reverted to its default value for >task-info-types, which is topic. The solution is to add task-info-types >to the troubleshooting topic's shell and set its value to >"no-topic-nesting". > >I thought that we had discussed this with the TC last month, but I can >find no evidence that we did. Please add this item to the TC agenda so >that we can get model corrected. It's "what I know that just ain't so" >that causes most of my problems. > >Best Regards, >Bob Thomas > > >---------- Forwarded message ---------- >From: George Bina <
george@oxygenxml.com > >Date: Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 1:59 AM >Subject: Re: [dita-comment] 1.3 troubleshooting topic permits empty >remedy element? >To: Bob Thomas <
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com > >Cc: dita-comment <
dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org > > > >Thanks Bob, > >We updated the DTD as you suggested. > >Best Regards, >George >-- >George Cristian Bina ><oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger >
http://www.oxygenxml.com > >On 02/04/15 06:24, Bob Thomas wrote: > >Hi George, > >I took a deeper look at this, and I discovered an implementation error >in troubleshooting.dtd. Specifically, the following parameter entity >must be added to the "TOPIC NESTING OVERRIDE" section of >troubleshooting.dtd: > ><!ENTITY % task-info-types > "no-topic-nesting" > > > >Without that override being present, the %task-info-types; parameter >entity defaults to its definition in topic.mod, which is %info-types;. >The %info-types; parameter entity is set to "topic" in topic.mod. That >is why we are seeing topic at the end of an embedded task in >troubleshooting. > >Best Regards, >Bob > >On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:10 AM, George Bina <
george@oxygenxml.com ><mailto:
george@oxygenxml.com >> wrote: > > Thanks Bob, > > The problem is that the inner task allows further an inner topic > rather than task (the other information types allow embedding the > same type further, any other task allows embedding a task not a >topic). > > Best Regards, > George > -- > George Cristian Bina > <oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger >
http://www.oxygenxml.com > > On 01/04/15 16:59, Bob Thomas wrote: > > Hi Joe, > > Initially the remedy model required exactly one steps, > steps-unordered, > or steps-informal element. An unfortunate side-effect of that > requirement was that remedy could not use conref content without > having > a non-functioning child steps* element, which requires a step > element, > which requires a cmd element (steps-informal would reduce this > chain, > but how many people would think to try it?). We decided to allow > empty > remedy to eliminate required children for conref. This is also > why title > is optional for condition and context. > > Hi George, > > There were use cases where people wanted to embed an entire task > topic > within troubleshooting instead of using remedy. The rationale > was that > the prerequisites had to accompany the steps. This is definitely >an > edge, or corner case. > > Best Regards, > Bob Thomas > > On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 2:55 AM, Joe Pairman > <
joepairman@gmail.com <mailto:
joepairman@gmail.com > > > > <mailto:
joepairman@gmail.com <mailto:
joepairman@gmail.com >>> >wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have a question about the DITA 1.3 troubleshooting topic, > and I'm > sending it to dita-comment because I'm not sure how (if at > all) this > question fits in the 1.3 review process. > > Working with the experimental org.dita.troubleshooting plugin > bundled with Oxygen 16.1, I noticed something about the >content > model for the remedy element. It can be empty, but if it > has /any/ > content, it must have one of steps, steps-unordered, or > steps-informal. > > Is this intentional? Might there be a situation where an >empty > remedy element is useful just to hang attributes on? If > not, perhaps > it would be easier all round to disallow empty remedy >elements. > Here's the relevant part of the DTD; removing the trailing > question > mark would disallow the empty element. > > <!— LONG NAME: Remedy > —> > <!ENTITY % remedy.content > “((%title;)?, (%responsibleParty;)?, > (%steps; > %steps-unordered; > %steps-informal;) > )?” > > > > > Thanks for any info or thoughts. > > Joe > > > > > -- > Bob Thomas > > > +1 720 201 8260 <tel:%2B1%20720%20201%208260> ><tel:%2B1%20720%20201%208260> > Skype: bob.thomas.colorado > Instant messaging: Gmail chat (
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com > <mailto:
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com > > <mailto: bob.thomas@tagsmiths. __com > <mailto:
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com >>) or Skype > Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7) > > > > -- > This publicly archived list offers a means to provide input to the > OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC. > > In order to verify user consent to the Feedback License terms and > to minimize spam in the list archive, subscription is required > before posting. > > Subscribe:
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http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita > > Join OASIS:
http://www.oasis-open.org/__join/ > <
http://www.oasis-open.org/join/ > > > > > >-- >Bob Thomas > +1 720 201 8260 <tel:%2B1%20720%20201%208260> >Skype: bob.thomas.colorado >Instant messaging: Gmail chat (
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com ><mailto:
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com >) or Skype >Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7) > > > > > > > > >-- >Bob Thomas +1 720 201 8260 >Skype: bob.thomas.colorado >Instant messaging: Gmail chat (
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com ) or Skype >Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7) > > > > > > > -- Bob Thomas +1 720 201 8260 Skype: bob.thomas.colorado Instant messaging: Gmail chat (
bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com ) or Skype Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7)