OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 5 January 2021 uploaded

  • 1.  Groups - DITA TC Meeting Minutes 5 January 2021 uploaded

    Posted 01-05-2021 16:52
    Submitter's message ActionItem:
    1. All TC members who previously volunteered to look at the TC charter - Frank, Dawn, Gershon, Nancy - will do so, and communicate with each other about their opinions, for discussion next week. Any other TC members inclined to do so, please also read and think about it.

    Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
    Tuesday, 5 January 2021
    Recorded by Hancy Harrison
    link to agenda for this meeting:

    Robert Anderson, Deb Bissantz, Stan Doherty, Kris Eberlein, Nancy Harrison, Scott Hudson, Gershon Joseph, Eliot Kimber, Zoe Lawson, Chris Nitchie, Keith Schengili-Roberts, Eric Sirois, Dawn Stevens, Frank Wegmann


    1. Roll call
    Regrets: Carsten Brennecke, Carlos Evia

    2. Approve minutes from previous business meeting:
    15 December 2020
    https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/dita/202012/msg00028.html (Harrison, 20 December 2020)
    moved by Kris, 2nd Scott, approved by TC

    3. Announcements

    4. Action items
    [no updates today, see agenda for complete list]

    5. Check-in: How are people doing in this difficult time? How is your state/country doing?
    [no official business discussed]

    6. Review of DITA 2.0 proposal deadlines
    [updates only; see above link for complate list]

    Stage two
    (Kimber) Deprecate or remove copy-to attribute (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/33)
    ? 2020: Initial TC discussion
    ? 2020: TC vote
    - Eliot; no updates. I got comments back from Deb and Nancy, but not from Robert. Once I get those, it should be ready pretty quickly.
    - Robert; I'll get it back to you by end of tomorrow.
    - Eric; can you send me what you have; I'd like to look at it.
    - Eliot; sure
    - Kris; I'll query you on it next week.

    Stage three
    (Nitchie) Loosen attribute specialization rules (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/15)
    ? : Submit to reviewers
    ? 2020: Initial TC discussion
    ? 2020: Vote by TC
    - Kris; this is down to nits, isn't it?
    - Chris; not quite; the current proposal involves a lot of terminology we've since junked. It's not quite a complete startover, but there will have to be a lot of changes. The grammar is done, it's the language in the spec. that needs updating.
    - Kris; is there anyone who might be able to help with it?
    - Nancy; I'll take a crack at it; send me a copy
    - Chris; ok

    (Nitchie) Add title alts to map (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/dita/issues/16)
    (./) 06 December 2020: Proposal to reviewers (Anderson, Eberlein, Wegmann)
    s ? 2020: Initial TC discussion
    ? 2020: TC vote
    - Kris; we talked about changes that might affect this last time.
    - Chris; no progress yet, We talked about semantic changes, but work has gotten busy and I probably can't have something before a few weeks from now, I can't be more specific than that.

    7. DITA 2.0 stage two proposals
    [no updates]

    8. DITA 2.0 stage three proposals
    [no updates]

    9. TC charter
    Charter: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita/charter.php
    - Kris; we want to start going over this next week.
    ***ActionItem: all folks who previously volunteered to look at it - Frank, Dawn, Gershon, Nancy - will work on it for next week.
    - Kris; in addition, please, everyone take a look at charter for discussion next week? Also, is there any way that we can help anyone still working on 2.0 proposals?

    - Dawn; there's a current call for speakers for our next conference, open till Jan 15th, for the conference in April.
    - Kris; let us know if there's anything the TC could help out with.

    11:25 ET close

    -- Ms. Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 5 January 2021 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Ms. Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2021-01-05 08:51:34