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Subject: Groups - Action Item Closed: #0022 Prepare presentation for OASIS A...
OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC member,
Seraphim Larsen has closed this action item.
Number: #0022
Description: Prepare presentation for OASIS A...
Owner: Mrs Indi Liepa
Status: Closed
Due: 13 Sep 2005
Seraphim Larsen 2005-09-06 18:38 GMT
From TC Meeting 06 Sept 2005:
- Indi Liepa and Ian Larner volunteered to present at this Forum.
- But what is the procedure for making sure the presentation
meets with the TC's approval?
- Indi and Ian will work on this, and will post a URL to the
TC list for the TC to review. *ACTION*
- Indi welcomes all advice and comments
View Details:
Referenced Items
Date Name Type
---- ---- ----
2005-09-06 TC Meeting Minutes 06 September 2005.txtReference Document
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