As a DITA (and DITA-OT) user, this processor feedback is extremely important to me.
In my world, we build maps of topics and maps assembled by different teams using different workflows. Keeping my ditaval file up-to-date with the prop usage is
crucial to avoid creating an incorrect rendition (due to filtering problems). (For the record, I know how subjectScheme could help me proactively manage this issue, but we’ve not been able to implement it in our environment.)
If I process my top map with a ditaval file and someone else has included an unknown prop (or misspelled the prop value), then I need to know about it.
As a DITA user, I will insist that any DITA processor provide this feedback, so having something in the spec that calls attention to this usecase seems like a
good thing.
Perhaps we can just say “may” instead of “should” as a way of implying the need to tool developers?
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Kristen James Eberlein
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2014 9:07 AM
Subject: [dita] Review #2 comments: DITAVAL elements
Referring another comment to the TC for discussion:
Topic = DITAVAL elements
DITAweb URL:$00074098-DB$DITAVAL elements
Prose in question:
Notes on ditaval messages
Conditional processing code should provide a report of any attribute values encountered in content that do not have an explicit action associated with them.
Eliot Kimber: "I think this needs to clarify that specifying an attribute with no value constitutes an explicit action. Currently the OT will report attribute values that are defaulted to exclude via prop elements. It should not."
Robert Anderson: "I'm finding this whole sentence somewhat questionable. I'm not sure the spec should be forcing applications to do this. Referring to TC for thoughts."
Kristen James Eberlein
Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee
Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)
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