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Subject: RE: [dita] Nested index terms
In the IBM internal implementation, we convert this markup:
<indexterm>Top level
<indexterm>Nested 1</indexterm>
<indexterm>Nested 2</indexterm>
with additional text
to this in the index:
Top level with additional text
Nested 1
Nested 2
So, the sample above is equivalent to this, and many other possible
<indexterm>Top level with additional text
<indexterm>Nested 1</indexterm>
<indexterm><indexterm>Nested 2</indexterm>
Top level with additional text
The DITA open toolkit has this same behavior as its goal, but is not there
yet - the indexing code could not be completely reused, due to differences
between the toolkit architecture and our internal toolset's architecture.
I understand that with the Blast Radius implementation, the "with
additional text" part of my original sample would be dropped, with a
warning. That seems equally acceptable to me, as long as there is a warning
- this does not come up often with our users, though somebody did request
that we support it way-back-when.
Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
"Grosso, Paul"
09/30/2005 11:49 <>
AM cc
RE: [dita] Nested index terms
Thanks for answering, Paul.
I'd be interested in hearing what others think too,
both in terms of what users would do/expect and in
terms of what other current implementors do.
More comments below.