OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Re: [dita] Which DTDs are "in"?

    Posted 02-03-2015 16:49
    All the DTDs are "in". We had discussed having two additional shells for learningAssessment that reflected integrating only one of the two learning domains, but decided to not do that. I'll be providing those through some non-TC-related channel (maybe a DITA Adoption paper or some such). Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC http://contrext.com On 2/2/15, 2:18 PM, "Tom Magliery" <tom.magliery@justsystems.com> wrote: >What's the correct and/or the "easy" way to tell which of the DTDs are >"in" the DITA 1.3 spec? > >I'm asking this question based on a recollection that not all of the DTDs >in this folder really count (by some definition of "count" that I'm not >quite sure what I mean either): > >doctypessrc1.3dtd > >mag

  • 2.  RE: [dita] Which DTDs are "in"?

    Posted 02-05-2015 21:53
    I'm particularly wondering about these two folders from the OASIS SVN repository. They seem not really to be a part of DITA 1.3. Should they be moved elsewhere in the repository? doctypessrc1.3dtd
    ngGrammar This one is never referenced anywhere in the spec. doctypessrc1.3dtdvocabularyModuleDesc The only place this one is referenced is in an example. It would be nice if the "doctypes/src/1.3/dtd" folder were "all and only the DTDs you need to do DITA 1.3". mag