Here are my minutes of today's meeting.
If I missed your name on the attendee list or you notice other mistakes
that need correction, please let me know.
John Hunt, IBM
Minutes - 20Aug2009 meeting of OASIS
DITA TC authoring team
Chaired by Kristen James Eberlein
Attendees: Robert D Anderson, JoAnn Hackos, Eliot Kimber, Gershon
Joseph, Seth Park, Erik Hennum, John Hunt, David Helfinstine,
Robin Sloan, Rob Hanna, Bob Beims
1) Discussion about tracking work completed based on first
Use @rev=1.2.1 to mark changes in DITA files
based on comments in review #1 (previous decision)
It's important to track the reviewer name and
dates on the review comments.
Then respond on the wiki page to indicate how
you have worked in the comments .
Agree about best practice for indicating on
the Wiki pages how we have dealt with reviewers' comments, with a good
example here -
2) Status of work from the first review
i KE has work to do on the introductory topic,
but sees no issues in completing it.
ii Intro to DITA section - JoAnn and Eliot
This section needs
work and clarification about purpose of
this section.
Need to crisp up
vocabulary we use for key terms,
especially related
to specialization.
Eliot targets getting
contributions for the intro section complete by Sep 1.
JoAnn to complete
her contributions by Sep 15.
iii DITA map section
KE - This will
be ready for Review 2
iv Metadata - Gershon
Working on these.
Target date Sep 1.
v DITA processing - Seth
Plans to work on
this over the weekend. Will provide an assessment of
scope of work by 8/24.
vi Translation - Joann and Robert
Joann to get to
this after trip to Japan, and complete by Sep 15.
v Specialization - Eliot
Comments handled
from first review
Some issues remain,
but he can complete them.
vi Learning and Training - John and Eliot
John has provided
a map and architectural spec topics.
Recent updates
approved by TC require updates to the doc topics plus DTD and XSD schemas.
Eliot to make updates
needed for both the schemas and doc for these changes by Sep 1.
vii Technical content spec
A gap here
Some 1.1 topics
can get moved here
JoAnn is lead for
this part of the spec and
can get this ready by mid-September
A question about
where to include the information about
ditabase - not
resolved at the meeting.
Discussion about
what to put into the base, and whether concept-task-reference should be
in the base.
3) Schedule
We discussed review dates and agreed on a schedule.
2nd TC Review goes out on Sep 21, 2009.
2nd TC Review completes Oct 4, 2009. (Hard date - no review comments accepted
after this date)
3rd TC Review goes out Oct 19, 2009 and completes Nov 1, 2009.
Target start of full OASIS Review for Nov 16, but no later than Dec 1
4) Examples in the arch spec topics
What belongs in the arch spec topics
and what belongs in the lang ref topics?
Do we conref? Use xrefs? Use links generated from relationship tables?
Input from Eliot that we need to avoid having the same information appear
twice in the published standard. Need to reconcile this with need for examples
to appear with each element but not wanting to repeat the same example
across elements in the group. Kris
Eberlein and Robert Anderson will talk offline about this.
Minutes submitted by John Hunt
John Hunt
Structured Content Architect / Lotus Information Development Center
IBM Software Group/Lotus Software