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Subject: index-sort-as question
I'm not sure from the writeup how sort-as should work
in the case of nested indexterms in the map's metadata.
If I want to ignore leading dollar signs in my indexing,
I understand I can say:
I assume for a nested case in a topic, I'd do:
In the spec, we have the following wording:
You may specify a global default sort order by placing
an indexterm instance in a map's metadata
(map/topicmeta/keywords/indexterm). There, the indexterm
has no content context and will not generate an index page
reference. Using index-sort-as there will set the global
sort order expression for that term.
So what does it mean to have
in the map/topicmeta/keywords? For example, does this set
a default sort order for "$delicious" in all cases, or just
in the case of the above three-level indexterm? That is,
is the above equivalent to saying
in the map's metadata?
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