OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Groups - DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf) uploaded

    Posted 09-27-2010 18:56
    The document revision named DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf) has
    been submitted by Mr. Robert Anderson to the OASIS Darwin Information
    Typing Architecture (DITA) TC document repository.  This document is
    revision #1 of DITA1.2-spec.pdf.
    Document Description:
    DITA 1.2 draft (PDF version) for the upcoming CD-04 vote.
    View Document Details:
    Download Document:  
    This document is revision #1 of DITA1.2-spec.pdf.  The document details
    page referenced above will show the complete revision history.
    PLEASE NOTE:  If the above links do not work for you, your email application
    may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to copy and paste
    the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
    -OASIS Open Administration

  • 2.  Confusing descriptions of lockmeta in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf)

    Posted 09-28-2010 12:36
      In my view, the various descriptions of the lockmeta attribute are 
    confusing in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf).
    In Section 'Metadata in maps and topics' on pdf p38 it says:
    By default, metadata in the map supplements or overrides metadata that 
    is specified at the topic level, unless the
    @lockmeta attribute of the 

  • 3.  RE: [dita] Confusing descriptions of lockmeta in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf)

    Posted 09-28-2010 13:00
    Hi, Doug.
    Thanks for the feedback on the draft DITA 1.2 specification. However, the 60-day public review of the draft specification ended on September 5. Over the last three weeks we have been reviewing comments submitted, addressing them, and modifying the spec as needed.
    The next step in the OASIS process is the 15-day review. This review is *strictly* limited to changes made in response to the comments during the 60-day review; we cannot consider comments about other portions of the spec.
    We do very much appreciate your close attention to the spec and will put clarifying language about "Metadata in maps and topics" for on the agenda for DITA 1.3.
    Best regards,
    Kristen James Eberlein -  Secretary, OASIS DITA Technical Committee & Charter Member, DITA Adoption Committee - SDL Structured Content Technologies Division - (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 - keberlein@sdl.com
    Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

  • 4.  Re: [dita] Confusing descriptions of lockmeta in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04,PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf)

    Posted 09-28-2010 16:22
      Hi Kris,
    That's fine - you have to draw the line somewhere! For DITA 1.3 a 
    different name for the lockmeta attribute might help clarify matters.
    Best regards,
    Doug Morrison
    Information Architect
    On 28/09/2010 13:59, Kristen Eberlein wrote:
    > Hi, Doug.
    > Thanks for the feedback on the draft DITA 1.2 specification. However, the 60-day public review of the draft specification ended on September 5. Over the last three weeks we have been reviewing comments submitted, addressing them, and modifying the spec as needed.
    > The next step in the OASIS process is the 15-day review. This review is *strictly* limited to changes made in response to the comments during the 60-day review; we cannot consider comments about other portions of the spec.
    > We do very much appreciate your close attention to the spec and will put clarifying language about "Metadata in maps and topics" for on the agenda for DITA 1.3.
    > Best regards,
    > Kris
    > Kristen James Eberlein -  Secretary, OASIS DITA Technical Committee&  Charter Member, DITA Adoption Committee - SDL Structured Content Technologies Division - (t) + 1 (919) 682-2290 - keberlein@sdl.com
    > Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

  • 5.  RE: [dita] Confusing descriptions of lockmeta in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04, PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf)

    Posted 09-28-2010 14:33
    Doug, FWIW, this is my understanding. From the point of view of the map,
    by default (lockmeta="yes") the metadata in the map is 'locked' so that
    any different metadata attribute-value pair in a referenced topic is
    ignored. From the point of view of the referenced topic, values in the
    map override (if the same attribute is set in both places) or supplement
    (if it is set in the map but not in the topic). The confusion may be
    that from the point of view of the topic lockmeta="yes" means the
    topic's metadata values are not locked. As to bookmeta, etc., they
    behave like the element they are specialized from.
    Documentation from the DITA Adoption TC may help to clear this up, but
    as Kris says changes to the spec will have to wait until after DITA 1.2.

  • 6.  Re: [dita] Confusing descriptions of lockmeta in DITA 1.2 Spec: CD04,PDF (DITA1.2-spec.pdf)

    Posted 09-28-2010 17:11
    Thanks for that clarification - the differing points of view is 
    certainly part of the problem. I think it would be a good candidate for 
    clarification by the Adoption TC.
    Best regards,
    Doug Morrison
    Information Architect
    On 28/09/2010 15:32, Bruce Nevin (bnevin) wrote:
    > Doug, FWIW, this is my understanding. From the point of view of the map,
    > by default (lockmeta="yes") the metadata in the map is 'locked' so that
    > any different metadata attribute-value pair in a referenced topic is
    > ignored. From the point of view of the referenced topic, values in the
    > map override (if the same attribute is set in both places) or supplement
    > (if it is set in the map but not in the topic). The confusion may be
    > that from the point of view of the topic lockmeta="yes" means the
    > topic's metadata values are not locked. As to bookmeta, etc., they
    > behave like the element they are specialized from.
    > Documentation from the DITA Adoption TC may help to clear this up, but
    > as Kris says changes to the spec will have to wait until after DITA 1.2.
    > 	/BN