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Subject: RE: [dita] Bookmap/XNAL repercussions
I was discussing that some with Erik Hennum -- my thought is that yes, I
think it would be backwards compatible, but it might depend on how that
item is designed. Somehow, users will be able to create a structural
specialization that requires or uses a domain element. I have not had any
input on that discussion, so I'm not sure how it will be done.
One way to make this backwards compatible would be to move XNAL to a
domain, but write the bookmap module so that it still requires that domain
element. Any specialization of bookmap would still have to have the XNAL
elements, but it would be available as a domain for any other topic type or
map type.
I'm not sure if that would work or not. My hope is yes, but if not, it
could remain a part of bookmap until 2.0. By keeping the current design in
the implementation, it would still be available anywhere else as a domain
once 1.2 comes out. That's why I was a bit wishy-washy in saying we could
move it in 1.2 or 2.0.
Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
(507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787
"Paul Prescod" <> wrote on 06/20/2006 02:29:45 PM:
> Wouldn't moving XNAL into its own domain be backwards incompatible when
> we do it in DITA 1.2?
> >