OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Meaningful Values for type= on xref and topicref

    Posted 05-22-2009 14:11
    The 1.2 language spec topic on the type= attribute says:
    " If the type attribute is specified when referencing DITA content, it
    should match one of the values in the target's class attribute. "
    The example given is then "topic" to indicate a topic or any specialization
    of topic.
    However, in thinking about this in the context of a map specialization I'm
    creating where I want to set default values for type= to indicate a
    corresponding topic specialization, it occurs to me that the value should
    really be (or at least allow) a qualified type name, e.g. "mytopic/mytopic"
    rather than simply "mytopic".
    I'm not sure what the current OT does, but I'm wondering if there is any
    existing practice or thought on this issue?
    If my analysis is correct, I think the topic should indicate that
    fully-qualified type names are allowed and preferred. It would probably make
    sense that unqualified type names can only refer to standard-defined types
    since that's the only context in which they are unambiguous.
    Eliot Kimber | Senior Solutions Architect | Really Strategies, Inc.
    email:  ekimber@reallysi.com 

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Meaningful Values for type= on xref and topicref

    Posted 05-22-2009 14:26

    >It would probably make
    >sense that unqualified type names can only refer to standard-defined types
    >since that's the only context in which they are unambiguous.

    That makes sense for xref, but I don't think it's necessary for topicref. On an xref, type="newpara" might be a link to mytopic/newpara or yourtopic/newpara. But on topicref, it shouldn't be ambiguous. When a topicref points to a DITA resource, it's a topic - and the topic's class attribute is always somewhat redundant, since the name of the element and the name of the specialization package are the same.

    In other words, on a topicref, type="mytopic" is no more ambiguous than type="mytopic/mytopic".

    Michael Priestley, Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM)
    Lead IBM DITA Architect

    Eliot Kimber <ekimber@reallysi.com>

    05/22/2009 10:10 AM

    dita <dita@lists.oasis-open.org>
    [dita] Meaningful Values for type= on xref and topicref

    The 1.2 language spec topic on the type= attribute says:

    " If the type attribute is specified when referencing DITA content, it
    should match one of the values in the target's class attribute. "

    The example given is then "topic" to indicate a topic or any specialization
    of topic.

    However, in thinking about this in the context of a map specialization I'm
    creating where I want to set default values for type= to indicate a
    corresponding topic specialization, it occurs to me that the value should
    really be (or at least allow) a qualified type name, e.g. "mytopic/mytopic"
    rather than simply "mytopic".

    I'm not sure what the current OT does, but I'm wondering if there is any
    existing practice or thought on this issue?

    If my analysis is correct, I think the topic should indicate that
    fully-qualified type names are allowed and preferred. It would probably make
    sense that unqualified type names can only refer to standard-defined types
    since that's the only context in which they are unambiguous.



    Eliot Kimber | Senior Solutions Architect | Really Strategies, Inc.
    email:  ekimber@reallysi.com <mailto:ekimber@reallysi.com>
    office: 610.631.6770 | cell: 512.554.9368
    2570 Boulevard of the Generals | Suite 213 | Audubon, PA 19403
    www.reallysi.com <http://www.reallysi.com>  | http://blog.reallysi.com
    <http://blog.reallysi.com> | www.rsuitecms.com <http://www.rsuitecms.com>

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  • 3.  Re: [dita] Meaningful Values for type= on xref and topicref

    Posted 05-22-2009 14:28
    On 5/22/09 9:26 AM, "Michael Priestley"