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Subject: RE: [dita] Bookmap/XNAL repercussions
Ahem ... hard to believe I was paying that little attention, Paul... too
long looking at one set of details and I ignore the others.
I've actually now come up with a much more elegant solution:
* The authorinformation element is a container for 2 elements. Both of
those are based on <data>.
* The <author> element allows keywords, which means it will also allow
<data> in 1.1.
* This means we can base authorinformation on <author> instead of on
<data>. A domain substitution means it can only go where author was already
* The <author> element is not part of bookmap right now, because we
expected to have authorinformation, but it can be added.
* This means that the XNAL elements can still be a domain, and it is
possible to put that domain in any map or topic starting with DITA 1.1.
Users can put in any number of author elements for simple author info, or
use the full authorinformation for full XNAL information.
* Another benefit of this is that you can now make a bookmap without the
XNAL domain, which still contains an author element.
This seems so obvious now that I'm almost ashamed to mention it. However,
it wasn't too obvious until I saw data start showing up in all of the meta
Any comments on this, or is any clarification needed?
Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
(507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787
"Paul Prescod" <> wrote on 06/20/2006 02:51:30 PM:
> I'm sorry I wasn't clear about my backwards compatibility concern. I'm
> mostly worried about stylesheets looking for class="...
> bookmap/authorinformation" that would break when it became class="...
> xnal/authorinfomation".
> >