I'm in favor of making this change. Bob Thomas On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 3:15 PM, Eliot Kimber <
ekimber@contrext.com > wrote: The Release Management proposal (at least the Stage 3 version, which I rechecked just now), specifies that the change-summary element can only occur once. However, in working Seth on some of his content that uses this domain, we realized that the original design was for change-summary to be zero-or-more. Seth's use case is two different summaries, with different conditions, one for internal consumption and one for external consumption. I think Seth's use case is a reasonable one and, according to Seth, reflects his original design provided as input to the Subcommittee's work. I would like to propose that we change change-summary from "?" to "*". Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC
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