OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Re: [dita] Attribute Specialization

    Posted 01-23-2007 21:01
    Michael Priestley wrote:
    >  > - I can restrict the use of the attributes to specific element types by
    >  > simply not allowing them except on the elements I want to allow them on.
    >  >
    > No. The attributes are added as separate domains, and there's no support 
    > in DITA 1.1 for dependencies between domains and structures (like 
    > limiting the domain extensions to only some elements). It's a goal for 
    > future releases, but the current design represents the most we could get 
    > agreement on in the 1.1 timeframe.
    I think I didn't say that very well. What I meant was: in the 
    specialization modules I create I'm under no obligation to *allow* 
    attributes from any particular domain.
    I see that what I wrote could be construed as meaning a desire to 
    prevent the attribute from being used *by others* on particular element 
    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Attribute Specialization

    Posted 01-26-2007 20:50

    >in the
    >specialization modules I create I'm under no obligation to *allow*
    >attributes from any particular domain.

    Specialization modules don't control what attributes or elements get added from a domain. The doctype shell controls that, when the domain gets integrated with structural types. At that point, you cannot choose which elements will get the new attributes - it's all or nothing: if you integrate the attribute domain, then all the elements in your doctype get the new attribute.

    That may be what you're saying, restating to be safe.

    Michael Priestley
    IBM DITA Architect and Classification Schema PDT Lead

    "W. Eliot Kimber" <ekimber@innodata-isogen.com>

    01/23/2007 04:00 PM

    Michael Priestley/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
    Re: [dita] Attribute Specialization

    Michael Priestley wrote:

    >  > - I can restrict the use of the attributes to specific element types by
    >  > simply not allowing them except on the elements I want to allow them on.
    >  >
    > No. The attributes are added as separate domains, and there's no support
    > in DITA 1.1 for dependencies between domains and structures (like
    > limiting the domain extensions to only some elements). It's a goal for
    > future releases, but the current design represents the most we could get
    > agreement on in the 1.1 timeframe.

    I think I didn't say that very well. What I meant was: in the
    specialization modules I create I'm under no obligation to *allow*
    attributes from any particular domain.

    I see that what I wrote could be construed as meaning a desire to
    prevent the attribute from being used *by others* on particular element



    W. Eliot Kimber
    Professional Services
    Innodata Isogen
    8500 N. Mopac, Suite 402
    Austin, TX 78759
    (214) 954-5198
