I sent a note to Steve Ballard, intel manager. Sent from my iPad JoAnn Hackos President Comtech Services Inc 710 Kipling Street Suite 400 Lakewood CO 80215 303-232-7586 Join The Center for Information-Development Management Online Conference – Measuring Anything 2016 on January 26-27. More information at:
https://forum.infomanagementcenter.com On Dec 8, 2015, at 11:55 AM, Keith Schengili-Roberts <
keith.roberts@ixiasoft.com > wrote: Hey there Tom: When I sent my email off to Intel I cc:ed the fellow I know there (Seraphim Larsen) who is head of their documentation team. If you know someone else there, be my guest! Cheers! Keith Schengili-Roberts DITA Information Architect / DITA Specialist IXIASOFT 825 Querbes, Suite 200, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H2V 3X1 tel + 1 514 279-4942 / toll free + 1 877 279-4942 cell + 1 647-472-7367
robertsk@ixiasoft.com /
www.ixiasoft.com From:
dita@lists.oasis-open.org <
dita@lists.oasis-open.org > on behalf of Tom Magliery <
tom.magliery@justsystems.com > Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 1:48 PM To: DITA TC Subject: [dita] Companies known to use DITA Here is a list of companies that are known to use DITA but have not yet voted for DITA 1.3. These folks seem like the most prime candidates for prodding for more votes, particularly if you know someone OTHER than the contact seen here. I am going to send emails to my personal contacts at Dell and VMware RIGHT NOW to say "Hey, tell your OASIS voter to vote!" I encourage anyone else here to do the same thing. Same goes if you have a personal contact at one of the companies that is not assigned to you, except perhaps our owner ("Contact from DITA TC") should oversee this to avoid us being bothersome. Check with them before you send your note. For example: Nancy, I have a close contact at Dassault. Shall I send them a note? Also Keith: Intel is one of our biggest customers. I could easily find a contact there (although I don't know one offhand). Should I? mag Contact Status Contact from DITA TC Company Company uses DITA? Nice address for Outlook ?? Amber Progress Software Yes Jaime Meritt <
jmeritt@progress.com > reminded Bob Alcatel-Lucent Yes Julien Maisonneuve <
julien.maisonneuve@alcatel-lucent.com > reminded Bob CA Technologies Yes Paul Lipton <
paul.lipton@ca.com > firstcontact Chris N Trane Yes Glenn Gasmen <
ggasmen@trane.com > reminded Dick Tyler Technologies, Inc. Yes Brian McGrath <
brian.mcgrath@tylertech.com > firstcontact Don National Instruments Yes Kyle Perkuhn <
kyle.perkuhn@ni.com > firstcontact Don Zenoss, Inc. Yes Chip Holden <
cholden@zenoss.com > reminded Eliot Nokia Corporation Yes Adamu Haruna <
adamu.haruna@nokia.com > reminded Eliot Oracle Yes Martin Chapman <
martin.chapman@oracle.com > precontact Eric Ericsson Yes Carolina Canales-Valenzuela <
carolina.canales@ericsson.com > firstcontact JoAnn Mentor Graphics Corporation Yes Bill Chown <
bill_chown@mentor.com > firstcontact Keith Airbus Group SAS Yes Nicolas Figay <
nicolas.figay@airbus.com > firstcontact Keith Brocade Communications Yes Sridhar Ramaswamy <
sramasw@brocade.com > firstcontact Keith Intel Corporation Yes Katalin Bartfai-Walcott <
katalin.kb.walcott@intel.com > firstcontact Keith ISIS Papyrus America Inc. Yes Max Pucher <
maxjpucher@isis-papyrus.com > firstcontact Kris Alfresco Software Yes John Newton <
john.newton@alfresco.com > firstcontact Kris SDL Yes Nuno Linhares <
nlinhares@sdl.com > firstcontact Nancy Atmel Corporation Yes Morten Haaker <
morten.haaker@atmel.com > firstcontact Nancy Dassault Systemes Yes Gauthier Fanmuy <
gauthier.fanmuy@3ds.com > firstcontact Nancy Citrix Systems Yes Shishir Pardikar <
Shishir.Pardikar@citrix.com > firstcontact Scott Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Yes Fang You <
youfang@huawei.com > reminded Tom Dell Yes Ken Blackwell <
Ken.Blackwell@software.dell.com > reminded Tom Emerson Process Management Yes Mark Nixon <
mark.nixon@emerson.com > reminded Tom Informatica Yes Matthew Meinel <
mmeinel@informatica.com > reminded Tom EMC Yes Rob Philpott <
robert.philpott@rsa.com > reminded Tom Fujitsu Limited Yes Kazunori Iwasa <
jikeitou-std-contact@ml.css.fujitsu.com > reminded Tom Siemens AG Yes Marquart FRANZ <
marquart.franz@siemens.com > reminded Tom VMware, Inc. Yes Winston Bumpus <
wbumpus@vmware.com >