OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Comprehensive tables of doctypes / domains

    Posted 07-09-2014 15:08
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    I constructed these tables based on the latest DTD files currently checked into SVN. They do not reflect the decisions we made on Tuesday (such as - deliveryTarget should be added to Ditabase). There are three sections to the document: * First, just list all the domains (grouped by package). * Second, for each domain (grouped by package), list which doctypes include it which do not. * Third, the opposite view -- for each doctype (grouped by package), list which domains it includes and which it does not. Again, this is the latest as-is view. I believe it includes all document type shells from all packages. There are a few shells checked in right now that I don't recognize, and did not include - I think these were test / experimental shells that Eliot was creating and checked in. For example, "rngtopic", "learningAssessment-learning1", and "learningAssessment-learning2" (the general learningAssessment is included). (See attached file: domainsused.html) Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) Title: How domains are used in default OASIS packages How domains are used in default OASIS packages This is a summary of each distributed domain and where it is included in the OASIS document type shells. Available domains OASIS distributes grammar files for the following domains. A designation of (map) indicates that the domain only specializes map elements; a designation of (topic) indicates that the domain specializes elements that are only available in topic or that it may only be used in topics. A designation of (map/topic) indicates that the domain specializes elements common to both maps and topics, so could be used in either even if it is generally intended for one or the other. Attribute domains may always be used in both topics and maps. Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Technical Communications package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Learning and Training package Learning (map/topic) Learning 2 (map/topic) Learning interaction base (map/topic) Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) Learning metadata (map/topic) Learning map (map) Which uses which (base domains) Domain What includes it What does NOT include it deliveryTarget attribute (base) Base map, base topic TC Package: all except Composite L&T Package: all maps and topics TC package: Composite (ditabase) Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Base map TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap, Classification map L&T Package: all maps Base topic TC Package maps: Subject scheme TC Package topics: all topics L&T Package: all topics Hazard statement (map/topic) Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps L&T Package: all topics Highlight (map/topic) Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps and topics n/a Indexing (map/topic) Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap, Classification map TC Package topics: all topics L&T Package: all maps and topics TC Package maps: Subject scheme Utilities (map/topic) Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps and topics n/a Ditavalref (map) Base map TC Package: all maps L&T Package: all maps Base topic TC Package: all topics L&T Package: all topics Map group (map) Base map TC Package: all maps L&T Package: all maps Base topic TC Package: all topics L&T Package: all topics Which uses which (TC domains) Domain What includes it What does NOT include it Abbreviate (map/topic) TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap TC Package topics: all topics except Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Classification map, Subject scheme TC Package topics: Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics Equation (map/topic) TC Package topics: all topics except Composite (ditabase), Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: all maps TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics Markup (map/topic) TC Package topics: all topics except Composite (ditabase), Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: all maps TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics MathML (map/topic) TC Package topics: all topics except Composite (ditabase), Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: all maps TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics Programming (map/topic) TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap TC Package topics: all except Machinery Task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Classification map, Subject Scheme TC Package topics: Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics Release Management (map/topic) TC Package maps: Map TC Package topics: all except Composite (ditabase), Machinery Task L&T Package: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Bookmap, Classification map, Subject Scheme TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps Software (map/topic) TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap TC Package topics: all except Machinery Task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Classification map, Subject Scheme TC Package topics: Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics SVG (map/topi) TC Package topics: all topics except Composite (ditabase), Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: all maps TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics UI (map/topic) TC Package maps: Map, Bookmap TC Package topics: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package maps: Classification map, Subject Scheme L&T Package: all maps and topics XML Mention (map/topic) TC Package topics: all topics except Composite (ditabase), Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package maps: all maps TC Package topics: Composite (ditabase), Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics XNAL (map/topic) TC Package: bookmap Base map, base topic TC Package: all except bookmap L&T Package maps: all except bookmap L&T Package topics: all topics Task requirements (topic) TC Package: Machinery task Base map, base topic TC Package: all except Machinery task L&T Package: all maps and topics Classify (map) TC Package: Classification map Base map, base topic TC Package: all except Classification map L&T Package: all maps and topics Glossref (map) TC Package: Map Base map, base topic TC Package: all except Map L&T Package: all maps and topics Which uses which (learning and training domains) Domain What includes it What does NOT include it Learning (map/topic) L&T Package: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps Learning 2 (map/topic) L&T Package: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps Learning interaction base (map/topic) L&T Package: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) L&T Package: all topics Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all maps Learning metadata (map/topic) L&T Package: all maps and topics Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics Learning map (map) L&T Package: all maps Base map, base topic TC Package: all maps and topics L&T Package: all topics Document types: Base Package Table 1. Domain usage in base package document types Document type Includes these domains Does not include base map deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Anything from TC package Anything from L&T package base topic deliveryTarget attribute Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Base package Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Anything from TC package Anything from L&T package Document types: TC Package Table 2. Domain usage in TC package document types Document type Includes these domains Does not include Map (technical content) Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) UI (map/topic) Glossref (map) TC package Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Anything from L&T package Bookmap Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Software (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) TC package Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Classification map Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package Classify (map) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Subject Scheme Base package deliveryTarget attribute Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Base package Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Everything from TC package: Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Topic (technical content), Concept, Reference, Task, General task, Glossary entry, Glossary group, Troubleshooting Base package deliveryTarget attribute Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) Base package Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Composite (ditabase) Base package Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Software (map/topic) UI (map/topic) Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package Equation (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Machinery task Base package deliveryTarget attribute Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) TC package UI (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Base package Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Anything from L&T package Document types: Learning and Training Package Table 3. Domain usage in learning and training package document types Document type Includes these domains Does not include Learning map, Learning group map, Learning object map Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Learning and Training package Learning metadata (map/topic) Learning map (map) Technical Communications package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Learning and Training package Learning (map/topic) Learning 2 (map/topic) Learning interaction base (map/topic) Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) Learning bookmap Base package deliveryTarget attribute Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) TC Package XNAL (map/topic) Learning and Training package Learning metadata (map/topic) Learning map (map) Technical Communications package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Release management (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Learning and Training package Learning (map/topic) Learning 2 (map/topic) Learning interaction base (map/topic) Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) Learning assessment, Learning content, Learning overview, Learning plan, Learning summary Base package deliveryTarget attribute Highlight (map/topic) Indexing (map/topic) Utilities (map/topic) Technical Communications package Release management (map/topic) Learning and Training package Learning (map/topic) Learning 2 (map/topic) Learning interaction base (map/topic) Learning interaction base 2 (map/topic) Learning metadata (map/topic) Base package Conref delayed resolution (map/topic) Hazard statement (map/topic) Ditavalref (map) Map group (map) Technical Communications package Abbreviate (map/topic) Equation (map/topic) Markup (map/topic) MathML (map/topic) Programming (map/topic) Software (map/topic) SVG (map/topic) UI (map/topic) XML Mention (map/topic) XNAL (map/topic) Task requirements (topic) Classify (map) Glossref (map) Learning and Training package Learning map (map)


    domainsused.html   39 KB 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Comprehensive tables of doctypes / domains

    Posted 07-10-2014 13:33
    The learning1 and learning2 shells are not experimental: they reflect using only the original learning domain or only the new learning2 domain. The rngtopic topic type is the topic type that governs the DITA-specific metadata in the RELAX NG modules. I'm not sure it's sufficiently useful to be part of the standard but I wanted to at least have the option of treating that information as true topics, for example, to compile document about a set of modules. It also reflects my general practice of making everything be topics or maps when you're in a DITA environment. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC http://contrext.com On 7/9/14, 9:07 AM, "Robert D Anderson" <robander@us.ibm.com> wrote: >I constructed these tables based on the latest DTD files currently >checked into SVN. They do not reflect the decisions we made on Tuesday >(such as - deliveryTarget should be added to Ditabase). > >There are three sections to the document: >* First, just list all the domains (grouped by package). >* Second, for each domain (grouped by package), list which doctypes >include it which do not. >* Third, the opposite view -- for each doctype (grouped by package), list >which domains it includes and which it does not. > >Again, this is the latest as-is view. I believe it includes all document >type shells from all packages. There are a few shells checked in right >now that I don't recognize, and did not include - I think these were test >/ experimental shells that Eliot was creating and checked in. For >example, "rngtopic", "learningAssessment-learning1", and >"learningAssessment-learning2" (the general learningAssessment is >included). >(See attached file: domainsused.html) > >Robert D Anderson >IBM Authoring Tools Development >Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) > >--------------------------------------------------------------------- >To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that >generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php