I’m on the DITA for the Web SC and have heard nothing from John since January. Chris Goolsby PTC/Arbortext From:
dita@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:
dita@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Nancy Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:09 AM To: Kristen James Eberlein Cc: DITA TC Subject: Re: [dita] Subcommittees and their states I thought that John Hunt was re-animating the DITA for the Web SC as part of responding to DITA 1.3 proposal #13100. I would suggest the Machine Industry SC as a candidate for de-activation. Nancy On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Kristen James Eberlein <
kris@eberleinconsulting.com > wrote: Hi, TC members. Recently Don and I have been communicating with Chet Ensign (TC Admin) and Carol Geyer (Director of Communications) about OASIS policies concerning subcommittees. (This started because Carol Geyer has been in communication with someone who is considering joining OASIS in order to participate in the Pharma subcommittee.) OASIS would like subcommittees to follow the same guidelines as those for technical committees: Meet regularly Have a minimum membership Demonstrate progress in completing deliverables Chet suggests that we "close" subcommittees that have completed their work or are inactive and unlikely to be revived. "Closing" a subcommittee means that the SC Web page is frozen, no new members can join, and the e-mail list cannot be used. All existing artifacts are preserved, of course, and the SC can be relaunched later if appropriate. To close a subcommittee, the TC should pass a resolution to that effect. (FYI, this isn't in the current TC process doc, but it will be in the next version passed by OASIS.) Here is a full list of the current subcommittees: DITA Pharmaceutical Content Subcommittee DITA in Composite Environments Subcommittee DITA Translation Subcommittee DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee DITA Learning and Training Content Specialization Subcommittee DITA Machine Industry Specialization Subcommittee DITA Semiconductor Information Design Subcommittee DITA for Enterprise Business Documents Subcommittee DITA Help Subcommittee DITA for the Web Subcommittee DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee The following subcommittees are obvious candidates for closure: DITA for Technical Standards Subcommittee DITA for the Web Subcommittee DITA in Composite Environments Subcommittee -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting Co-chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Charter member, OASIS DITA Adoption Committee
www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 682-2290 ; kriseberlein (skype) -- _____________ Nancy Harrison Infobridge Solutions