In order to better collaborate with George Bina from SynchroSoft, I've moved the RNG-to-DTD XSLT code to the DITA-NG project on Google code, which is where George is maintaining his work on the DITA RelaxNG stuff. That site is here: Cheers, E. On 2/17/13 8:52 AM, "Eliot Kimber" <> wrote: > I have started working with George Bina on implementing the details of this > proposal, including code to generate working DTDs and XSDs that conform to > the DITA coding requirements from the RNG versions. Would also like to have > DTD-to-RNG code that generates the modules correctly, but that is definitely > a nice-to-have at this point. > > I have added my early and incomplete attempt at DTD generation to my > personal DITA 1.3 spec work area on github: > > > > If anyone would like to help with this effort, please speak up. > > Once we have the ability to generate DTDs from RNGs that conform to the DITA > requirements, then we can start doing real work in RNG while finishing out > the XSD generation and looking at DTD-to-RNG processing (which will require > using something like the NekoDTD parser mentioned in the context of the > contains and contained-by table generation. > > Note that once we have RNG versions of all the 1.3 modules, we could use > XSLT to generate the contains and contained-by information working against > the RNG source (which is XML and much easier to process than XSD). > > Cheers, > > E. > -- > Eliot Kimber > Senior Solutions Architect, RSI Content Solutions > "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together" > Main: 512.554.9368 > > > Book: DITA For Practitioners, from XML Press, > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that > generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: > > -- Eliot Kimber Senior Solutions Architect, RSI Content Solutions "Bringing Strategy, Content, and Technology Together" Main: 512.554.9368 Book: DITA For Practitioners, from XML Press,