OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs

    Posted 07-16-2014 23:51
    Hi all,   A few anomalies in the 1.3 DTDs are surfacing as our guys are working on things. Any comments on these?   1. Non-deterministic content model in troubleshooting.mod:   "Error: on line 147 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD echnicalContentdtd roubleshooting.mod: Non deterministic content model. An instance of element equation-block could simultaneously match two or more tokens in the content model."   2. Undefined entity in vocabulary.mod:   " Error: on line 96 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTDvocabularyModuleDescdtdvocabulary.mod: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "moduleTitle" is referenced but not defined."   3. Same as above in rngForeignDomain.ent (realizing that rngTopic may not be a "real" topic type):   " Error: on line 11 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD
    ngForeignDomain.ent: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "rng_grammar" is referenced but not defined."   4. Stylistic typo in the Public IDs for vocabularyModuleDesc:      < public publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3Vocabulary Module Description//EN" uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                            ^ add space    < public publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITAVocabulary Module Description//EN" uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                        ^ add space   mag  

  • 2.  Re: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs

    Posted 07-17-2014 14:56
    Hi Tom, For the first one - looking at the troubleshooting DTD module, I see that line 147 sets the content model for <cause>, which (indirectly) means this is the model: <!ENTITY % section.blocks.only.cnt               "((%title;)?,                (%basic.block;                 %data.elements.incl;                 %div;                 %foreign.unknown.incl;                 %sectiondiv;                 %txt.incl;)*) " > Following up on those entities, "basic.block" is a group that includes %div; -- but %div; is included again 2 lines after that (the %div; entity includes <equation-block>, which gave your error). I'm guessing this is the problem - can you try removing that line and see if your parsers like it better? That's line 58 in the copy of troubleshooting.mod that's currently checked into SVN. I'm not sure about the other two items - those are both from DTDs that I haven't looked at, and which define elements that are not part of the specification. Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) "Tom Magliery" ---07/16/2014 18:51:18---Hi all, From: "Tom Magliery" <tom.magliery@justsystems.com> To: "DITA TC" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> Date: 07/16/2014 18:51 Subject: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs Sent by: <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> Hi all,   A few anomalies in the 1.3 DTDs are surfacing as our guys are working on things. Any comments on these?   1. Non-deterministic content model in troubleshooting.mod:   "Error: on line 147 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD echnicalContentdtd roubleshooting.mod: Non deterministic content model. An instance of element equation-block could simultaneously match two or more tokens in the content model."   2. Undefined entity in vocabulary.mod:   " Error: on line 96 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTDvocabularyModuleDescdtdvocabulary.mod: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "moduleTitle" is referenced but not defined."   3. Same as above in rngForeignDomain.ent (realizing that rngTopic may not be a "real" topic type):   " Error: on line 11 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD
    ngForeignDomain.ent: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "rng_grammar" is referenced but not defined."   4. Stylistic typo in the Public IDs for vocabularyModuleDesc:       < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3Vocabulary Module Description//EN" uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                            ^ add space     < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITAVocabulary Module Description//EN"   uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                        ^ add space   mag  

  • 3.  Re: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs

    Posted 07-17-2014 15:36
    I'm not sure how this happened. Here is the corresponding model from 1.3/rng/technicalContent/rng/troubleshootingMod.rng :   <div>     <a:documentation>COMMON ELEMENT SETS</a:documentation>     <define name="section.blocks.only.cnt">       <optional>         <ref name="title"/>       </optional>       <zeroOrMore>         <choice>           <ref name="basic.block"/>           <ref name="data.elements.incl"/>           <ref name="foreign.unknown.incl"/>           <ref name="sectiondiv"/>           <ref name="txt.incl"/>         </choice>       </zeroOrMore>     </define>   </div> Perhaps generated file  1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/troubleshooting.mod is stale. Best Regards, Bob Thomas On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Robert D Anderson < robander@us.ibm.com > wrote: Hi Tom, For the first one - looking at the troubleshooting DTD module, I see that line 147 sets the content model for <cause>, which (indirectly) means this is the model: <!ENTITY % section.blocks.only.cnt               "((%title;)?,                (%basic.block;                 %data.elements.incl;                 %div;                 %foreign.unknown.incl;                 %sectiondiv;                 %txt.incl;)*) " > Following up on those entities, "basic.block" is a group that includes %div; -- but %div; is included again 2 lines after that (the %div; entity includes <equation-block>, which gave your error). I'm guessing this is the problem - can you try removing that line and see if your parsers like it better? That's line 58 in the copy of troubleshooting.mod that's currently checked into SVN. I'm not sure about the other two items - those are both from DTDs that I haven't looked at, and which define elements that are not part of the specification. Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) "Tom Magliery" ---07/16/2014 18:51:18---Hi all, From: "Tom Magliery" < tom.magliery@justsystems.com > To: "DITA TC" < dita@lists.oasis-open.org > Date: 07/16/2014 18:51 Subject: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs Sent by: < dita@lists.oasis-open.org > Hi all,   A few anomalies in the 1.3 DTDs are surfacing as our guys are working on things. Any comments on these?   1. Non-deterministic content model in troubleshooting.mod:   "Error: on line 147 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD echnicalContentdtd roubleshooting.mod: Non deterministic content model. An instance of element equation-block could simultaneously match two or more tokens in the content model."   2. Undefined entity in vocabulary.mod:   " Error: on line 96 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTDvocabularyModuleDescdtdvocabulary.mod: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "moduleTitle" is referenced but not defined."   3. Same as above in rngForeignDomain.ent (realizing that rngTopic may not be a "real" topic type):   " Error: on line 11 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD
    ngForeignDomain.ent: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "rng_grammar" is referenced but not defined."   4. Stylistic typo in the Public IDs for vocabularyModuleDesc:       < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3Vocabulary Module Description//EN" uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                            ^ add space     < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITAVocabulary Module Description//EN"   uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                        ^ add space   mag   -- Bob Thomas +1 720 201 8260 Skype: bob.thomas.colorado Instant messaging: Gmail chat ( bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com ) or Skype Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7)

  • 4.  RE: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs

    Posted 07-18-2014 00:04
    We've confirmed that removing that %div; from the DTD makes XMetaL happy.   mag     From: dita@lists.oasis-open.org [mailto:dita@lists.oasis-open.org] On Behalf Of Bob Thomas Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 8:36 AM To: Robert D Anderson Cc: Tom Magliery; DITA TC Subject: Re: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs   I'm not sure how this happened. Here is the corresponding model from 1.3/rng/technicalContent/rng/troubleshootingMod.rng :     <div>     <a:documentation>COMMON ELEMENT SETS</a:documentation>     <define name="section.blocks.only.cnt">       <optional>         <ref name="title"/>       </optional>       <zeroOrMore>         <choice>           <ref name="basic.block"/>           <ref name="data.elements.incl"/>           <ref name="foreign.unknown.incl"/>           <ref name="sectiondiv"/>           <ref name="txt.incl"/>         </choice>       </zeroOrMore>     </define>   </div>   Perhaps generated file  1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/troubleshooting.mod is stale.   Best Regards, Bob Thomas   On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Robert D Anderson < robander@us.ibm.com > wrote: Hi Tom, For the first one - looking at the troubleshooting DTD module, I see that line 147 sets the content model for <cause>, which (indirectly) means this is the model: <!ENTITY % section.blocks.only.cnt               "((%title;)?,                (%basic.block;                 %data.elements.incl;                 %div;                 %foreign.unknown.incl;                 %sectiondiv;                 %txt.incl;)*) " > Following up on those entities, "basic.block" is a group that includes %div; -- but %div; is included again 2 lines after that (the %div; entity includes <equation-block>, which gave your error). I'm guessing this is the problem - can you try removing that line and see if your parsers like it better? That's line 58 in the copy of troubleshooting.mod that's currently checked into SVN. I'm not sure about the other two items - those are both from DTDs that I haven't looked at, and which define elements that are not part of the specification. Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) "Tom Magliery" ---07/16/2014 18:51:18---Hi all, From: "Tom Magliery" < tom.magliery@justsystems.com > To: "DITA TC" < dita@lists.oasis-open.org > Date: 07/16/2014 18:51 Subject: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs Sent by: < dita@lists.oasis-open.org > Hi all,   A few anomalies in the 1.3 DTDs are surfacing as our guys are working on things. Any comments on these?   1. Non-deterministic content model in troubleshooting.mod:   "Error: on line 147 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD echnicalContentdtd roubleshooting.mod: Non deterministic content model. An instance of element equation-block could simultaneously match two or more tokens in the content model."   2. Undefined entity in vocabulary.mod:   " Error: on line 96 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTDvocabularyModuleDescdtdvocabulary.mod: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "moduleTitle" is referenced but not defined."   3. Same as above in rngForeignDomain.ent (realizing that rngTopic may not be a "real" topic type):   " Error: on line 11 of C:Program FilesXMetaL 9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD
    ngForeignDomain.ent: Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "rng_grammar" is referenced but not defined."   4. Stylistic typo in the Public IDs for vocabularyModuleDesc:       < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3Vocabulary Module Description//EN" uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                            ^ add space     < public   publicId ="-//OASIS//DTD DITAVocabulary Module Description//EN"   uri ="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/>                                        ^ add space   mag     -- Bob Thomas +1 720 201 8260 Skype: bob.thomas.colorado Instant messaging: Gmail chat ( bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com ) or Skype Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7)  

  • 5.  Re: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs

    Posted 07-20-2014 15:40
    I believe I corrected the duplicate inclusion of <div> in troubleshooting but I may not have updated all the generated DTDs, although I intended to. I'm back from vacation and will be focusing on this stuff this week. Cheers, E. ————— Eliot Kimber, Owner Contrext, LLC http://contrext.com On 7/17/14, 9:35 AM, "Bob Thomas" <bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com> wrote: >I'm not sure how this happened. Here is the corresponding model from >1.3/rng/technicalContent/rng/troubleshootingMod.rng: > > <div> > > <a:documentation>COMMON ELEMENT SETS</a:documentation> > > <define name="section.blocks.only.cnt"> > > <optional> > > <ref name="title"/> > > </optional> > > <zeroOrMore> > > <choice> > > <ref name="basic.block"/> > > <ref name="data.elements.incl"/> > > <ref name="foreign.unknown.incl"/> > > <ref name="sectiondiv"/> > > <ref name="txt.incl"/> > > </choice> > > </zeroOrMore> > > </define> > > </div> > > > > >Perhaps generated file 1.3/dtd/technicalContent/dtd/troubleshooting.mod >is stale. > >Best Regards, >Bob Thomas > > > >On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:55 AM, Robert D Anderson <robander@us.ibm.com> >wrote: > >Hi Tom, > >For the first one - looking at the troubleshooting DTD module, I see that >line 147 sets the content model for <cause>, which (indirectly) means >this is the model: ><!ENTITY % section.blocks.only.cnt > "((%title;)?, > (%basic.block; > %data.elements.incl; > %div; > %foreign.unknown.incl; > %sectiondiv; > %txt.incl;)*)" >> > >Following up on those entities, "basic.block" is a group that includes >%div; -- but %div; is included again 2 lines after that (the %div; entity >includes <equation-block>, which gave your error). I'm guessing this is >the problem - can you try removing that line and see if your parsers like >it better? That's line 58 in the copy of troubleshooting.mod that's >currently checked into SVN. > >I'm not sure about the other two items - those are both from DTDs that I >haven't looked at, and which define elements that are not part of the >specification. > >Robert D Anderson >IBM Authoring Tools Development >Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit ( http://dita-ot.sourceforge.net/ ) > >"Tom Magliery" ---07/16/2014 18:51:18---Hi all, > >From: "Tom Magliery" <tom.magliery@justsystems.com> >To: "DITA TC" <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> >Date: 07/16/2014 18:51 >Subject: [dita] Bugs and quirks in the 1.3 DTDs >Sent by: <dita@lists.oasis-open.org> > >________________________________________ > > > >Hi all, > >A few anomalies in the 1.3 DTDs are surfacing as our guys are working on >things. Any comments on these? > >1. Non-deterministic content model in troubleshooting.mod: > >"Error: on line 147 of C:Program FilesXMetaL >9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD echnicalContentdtd roubleshooting.mod: >Non deterministic content model. An instance of element equation-block >could simultaneously match two or more tokens in the content model." > >2. Undefined entity in vocabulary.mod: > >" Error: on line 96 of C:Program FilesXMetaL >9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTDvocabularyModuleDescdtdvocabulary.mod: >Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "moduleTitle" is referenced >but not defined." > >3. Same as above in rngForeignDomain.ent (realizing that rngTopic may not >be a "real" topic type): > >" Error: on line 11 of C:Program FilesXMetaL >9.0AuthorDITADITA_1.3_DTD
    ngForeignDomain.ent: >Parameter entity used but not defined. Entity "rng_grammar" is referenced >but not defined." > >4. Stylistic typo in the Public IDs for vocabularyModuleDesc: > > <public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3Vocabulary Module >Description//EN" uri="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/> > ^ add space > <public publicId="-//OASIS//DTD DITAVocabulary Module Description//EN" >uri="dtd/vocabularyModuleDesc.dtd"/> > ^ add space > >mag > > > > > > > > > > >-- >Bob Thomas+1 720 201 8260 >Skype: bob.thomas.colorado >Instant messaging: Gmail chat (bob.thomas@tagsmiths.com) or Skype >Time zone: Mountain (GMT-7) > > > > >