As it says in the note - I believe that this draft is complete, apart from
potential renaming due to the packaging discussion.
There are a couple of confusing points in the machine industry task work -
I have put my remaining questions here:
Thanks -
Robert D Anderson
IBM Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
(507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787 (Good Monday & Thursday)
Robert D Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS wrote on 05/06/2008 04:32:39 PM:
> This draft of the DTDs is now complete apart from the following potential
> changes:
> 1) Any renaming of files or directories based on packaging discussions
> 2) Some questions still pending for the Machine Industry Task
> 3) Any other comments based on reviews
> -- Mr. Robert Anderson
> The document revision named Draft of the DITA 1.2 DTDs
> ( has been submitted by Mr. Robert Anderson to the
> OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC document
> This document is revision #13 of
> Document Description:
> Draft of the DITA 1.2 DTDs. I will upload new packages periodically as
> sets of requirements are implemented.
> The file _Updates.txt within the package contains a list of included
> features. This file will be included with each draft until the changes
> complete.
> View Document Details:
> document_id=28200
> Download Document:
> php/28200/
> Revision:
> This document is revision #13 of The document
> page referenced above will show the complete revision history.
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> -OASIS Open Administration