I'm sorry, but it's been summer, and I haven't been
paying close enough attention to the indexterm page range debate that
started to heat up just before the 4th of July.
I've now reviewed that debate, and I can understand Chris's
frustration: this issue seems to have come seriously unglued.
Worse, I find myself in disagreement with several TC consensuses that
were made in mid July, I think in my absence - if not, then I was
While much of the debate has been technical, for me it comes down to
the fundamental issue of whether support for page-ranged indexterms is
compatible with two fundamental principles of DITA:
- DITA is topic based
- DITA encourages a minimalist approach to documentation
Both of these principles speak against supporting
page-ranged indexterms at all. Topics should be short (minimalism) and
independent (topic-based). How far do you need to read from a
point-based indexterm, except to the end of the topic? And if you're
ready to try using the device/software before you reach the end of the
topic - well, more power to you. You can always come back and read some
Chris's references to the Chicago Manual of Style are symptomatic to me
of what's wrong with this proposal. Its history is as a style guide for
writers of academic books. Professors being longwinded and disorganized
- I should know, I was one once - page ranges are appropriate in their
Like transitional text that would appear only in book-length output,
which we earlier rejected, page-ranged indexterms are a throwback to
the kind of books DITA was meant to move beyond.
I propose we drop them from 1.1, and keep them out of DITA for as long
as we can.