Hi, DITA members and folks that are part of the broader DITA community. The DITA TC is considering closing its learning and training subcommittee. The subcommittee was formed in 2006, developed the specializations that were introduced in DITA 1.2 (2010), and briefly came together again to do some bug fixing for DITA 1.3. However, given the absence of active leadership and participation, the DITA TC is considering closing the subcommittee. This would probably lead to the following: The learning & training specializations would not be part of DITA 2.0. The DITA TC would set up an OASIS Open GitHub repository to store the documentation source and grammar files. Time permitting, TC members would make changes necessary for the specializations to work with upcoming DITA release. Before we close the subcommittee, we wanted to see whether any individuals with learning and training expertise (and OASIS membership!) would step forth. -- Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Principal consultant, Eberlein Consulting
www.eberleinconsulting.com +1 919 682-2290; kriseberlein (skype)