The following tables lists the topic clusters that folks volunteered for: Structural specialization # of topics Notes Volunteer Path for submap Bookmap 33 These topics are in fairly good shape. The examples need to be introduced by paragraphs that explain what is shown in the example. Also, general editing following our DITA 2.0 guidelines need to be performed. Some of the shortdesc can probably use natural language … Tamm Crowley Kathryn Torriano specification/langRef/bookmap-elements.ditamap Glossary 19 The examples need to be introduced by paragraphs that explain what is shown in the example. Also, general editing following our DITA 2.0 guidelines need to be performed. The “new-to-DITA 2.0” sections need to be considered carefully. “Usage information” needs a careful edit. Should some info be included in the <shortdesc>? Is some info too much of a tutorial? Etc. Some of the content might need to go in an architectural topic that focuses on processing … Keith Schengili-Roberts Bill Burns specification/langRef/glossary-elements.ditamap Grouping Domain # of topics Notes Volunteer Path for submap Equation 4 The content in the new-to-DITA 2.0 sections needs to be carefully assessed. Nancy Harrison specification/langRef/equation-domain-elements.ditamap MathML 1 The content in the new-to-DITA 2.0 sections needs to be carefully assessed. specification/langRef/mathml-domain-elements.ditamap SVG 2 The content in the new-to-DITA 2.0 sections needs to be carefully assessed. (“Usage information” should not contain examples! specification/langRef/svg-domain-elements.ditamap Release management 11 All the examples currently point to <change-history-list>. Is this the best approach? If so, the example in <change-history-list> probably needs to contain more explanatory information. Tammi Crowley Kathryn Torriano specification/langRef/release-management-domain-elements.ditamap Syntax diagram 16 Only needs light edits Frank Wegmann? specification/langRef/syntax-diagram-domain-elements.ditamap xNAL 26 Examples need to be introduced. Topics contain draft comments authored by Robert Anderson. Stan Doherty specification/langRef/xnal-domain-elements.ditamap Best, Kris Kristen James Eberlein Chair, OASIS DITA Technical Committee Owner, Eberlein Consulting LLC Skype: kriseberlein; voice: +1 (919) 622-1501