@keys in <mapref> is present in the DTDs. But the same is missing in the specification. I don’t see any reason for not having @keys in <mapref>. Hence, I assume this is just a documentation issue. Regards, Tarun Garg | Adobe Systems | +91-120-2444711 | tarung@adobe.com
@keys in <mapref> is present in the DTDs. But the same is missing in the specification.
I don’t see any reason for not having @keys in <mapref>. Hence, I assume this is just a documentation issue.
Tarun Garg | Adobe Systems | +91-120-2444711 | tarung@adobe.com
Yes, this appears to be a bug in the language specification docs. Robert D Anderson IBM Authoring Tools Development Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit From: Tarun Garg
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