Hi Robert,
As you suggested, let's keep that for DITA 2.0. I think, there is some link, where the proposals for DITA 2.0 are being kept for future discussion.
As of now, a key can point to an element inside the Map. There was a comment from Eliot below that this shall not be allowed for non-topicref elements. I agree with that and we shall put it in the spec.
And with this change, it shall be as follows:
(Please forgive me, if I am getting repetitive; but this will help me understand better)
For a map, a key can refer to:
a) Map File
key="map" href="submap-01.ditamap"
b) Topicref element inside a map
key="tr" href="submap-01.ditamap#tr-01"
And nothing else.
For key-based referencing to:
1) Map File : keyref="keyname"
VALID - keyref="map"
2) Topicref element : keyref="keyname"
VALID - keyref="tr"
INVALID - keyref="map/tr-01"
3) non-Topicref element : keyref="keyname/element-id"
VALID - keyref="tr/elem-01"
INVALID - keyref="map/elem-01"
Please correct me, if I got it wrong.
Also, please refer to the spec section - " Using keys to address DITA elements". Under "Syntax", it states:
(PARA-1)For references to topics, maps, and non-DITA resources, the value of the @keyref attribute is simply a key name: keyref="topic-key".
(PARA-2)For references to non-topic elements within topics and non-topicref elements within maps, the value of the @keyref attribute is a key name, a solidus ("/"), and the ID of the target element: keyref="topic-key/some-element-id".
Here, my understanding kind of matches with what is stated in para-2. In para-1, I think "topicref elements inside map" shall also be added. So, it shall look like:
(PARA-1)For references to topics, maps, topicref elements in maps and non-DITA resources, the value of the @keyref attribute is simply a key name: keyref="topic-key".
(PARA-2)For references to non-topic elements within topics and non-topicref elements within maps, the value of the @keyref attribute is a key name, a solidus ("/"), and the ID of the target element: keyref="topic-key/some-element-id".
In addition, we can mention that - "For references to non-topicref elements within maps, the key used in @keyref shall be pointing to a topicref element within the map."
Tarun Garg | Adobe Systems | +91-120-2444711 | tarung@adobe.com
Original Message-----
From: Robert D Anderson [mailto:robander@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2010 1:57 AM
To: Tarun Garg
Cc: dita; dita-comment@lists.oasis-open.org; Eliot Kimber
Subject: RE: [dita] @keys in