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Subject: RE: [dita] Navtitle and locktitle
Hi Paul,
You're right that the spec does not list @locktitle as inheritable.
The DITA Toolkit's code (from the days before sourceforge and OASIS) does
treat it as inheritable. I know of at least one good-sized group of users
that, for better or for worse, often sets the value to "no" on the map
element. This lets them be sure that map always reflects what they will see
in the navigation.
So, I'd like to ask -- should this be an inheritable attribute? Is anybody
else making use of the locktitle attribute today, and following the spec
for behavior? For people using the toolkit, changing to meet the spec will
break the expected behavior. If the TC feels that it should be left as-is,
I'll need to start preparing users for the change in behavior, so it comes
as less of a shock.
Robert D Anderson
Authoring Tools Development
Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
(507) 253-8787, T/L 553-8787
"Paul Prescod"
<paul.prescod@bla> To
Robert D
03/08/2006 01:03 Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
PM cc
RE: [dita] Navtitle and locktitle
I do not believe that locktitle is inherited in DITA 1.0:
This also pertains to the other email where you discussed the pernicious
effects of inheritance in one context.