Throughout the work on the DITA 2.0 specification, we have sought to improve the quality of the examples, both in the architectural topics and the element-reference topics. As we work on the content for filtering and flagging, I thought it might be helpful for TC members to brainstorm a list of common use cases for conditional processing. We then can use that list as we develop and refine the examples for the specification. Use cases for conditional processing I think we can subdivide this into the following categories: Filtering: Specifying what content to include or exclude Flagging: Specifying content to be highlighted in some way in the output Revision flagging: Specifying that revisions should be highlighted in some way in the output I’ll add a few use cases that I see frequently, and I hope that others can help flesh out the list. Filtering ? ? Flagging (Eberlein) Marking content germane to a specific operating system or product variant with an icon (Eberlein) Marking content in common files that contain content for different product variants in order to facilitate comparison ? Revision flagging (Eberlein) Marking revised content with stylistic highlighting (colored text) and inserted text to show the start and end points of the revision (Eberlein) Marking revised content with change bars in a PDF