Hi all,
I'm raising this as a result of an outstanding
issue with #12020 that was raised at this week's TC call.
#12020 has a list of elements in the
standard DITA specializations that contain only #PCDATA. The proposal
suggests adding elements to them so that re-usable text can be used.
The choices of elements to add are <ph>,
<keyword> and/or <text>.
Here is the current draft:
* revisionid
gets keyword
* year gets
* month
gets keyword
* day gets
* edition
gets keyword
* isbn gets
* volume
gets keyword
Programming domain
* option
gets keyword
* parmname
gets keyword
* synph
gets keyword
* apiname
gets keyword
* kwd gets
Software domain
* msgnum
gets keyword
* cmdname
gets keyword
* varname
gets keyword
UI domain
* wintitle
gets keyword
* shortcut
gets keyword
Utilities domain
* shape
gets keyword
xNAL domain
* honorific
gets keyword
* firstname
gets keyword
* middlename
gets keyword
* lastname
gets keyword
* generationidentifier
gets keyword
* postalcode
gets keyword
* country
gets keyword
* contactnumber
gets keyword
That's a lot of <keyword>.
Are any of those choices wrong? Can
people imagine a case where an element in that list would need to contain
non-keywordy text? Please reply to the list.
Deborah Pickett
Information Architect, Moldflow Corporation, Melbourne