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Subject: Re: [dita] Groups - Suggested updates for 1.0 specification (suggestedUpdates.html) uploaded
Thanks for clarifying the catalog issue: I must have misunderstood the
problem description.
On the <property> long name, I would prefer to leave the description
as-is. Describing its appearance in a DTD comment seems premature,
especially since the language reference is noncommital on a <properties>
element's final appearance ("the typical rendering is usually a
table-like format"). In any case, I don't feel particularly strongly
about this, since it seems nobody cares about comments in DTDs (which is
why the TC collectively let so many typos through!). It's a good thing
that somebody is paying attention to these things. If you feel strongly
that it should use the longer description, I won't throw a fit.
Robert D Anderson wrote:
>Hi Chris,
>You're right that the file is catalog-dita.xml, not catalog.xml. In the
>copy I got from here:
>inside the package, the file catalog-dita.xml contains this line:
> <public publicId="-//OASIS//ENTITIES DITA Topic Class//EN"
> uri="topicAttr.ent"/>
>The file included with that package is actually topicAttr.mod. The
>architecture spec says topicAttr.mod is correct.
>For the ut-d-simpletable entity - Don says that when he applied the OASIS
>changes, he started with dita132 files in which he forgot he had been
>toying with a specialization. He says that's why I've got the DTD job now.
>Thanks for the hilightDomain correction.
>For Property - any suggestions? My primary reason for the change was so
>that a user reading through the DTD would not expect it to be a
>phrase-level element. If we don't want to include the presentation info, we
>can leave it as Property.
>Thanks for the programmingDomain correction.
>Since posting the list, I have found one other comment problem. The
>topic.mod file says that it contains declarations "..for the Programming
>Domain." This should be updated to "...for the base Topic type."
>Robert D Anderson
>IBM Authoring Tools Development
>Chief Architect, DITA Open Source Toolkit
> Christopher Wong
> <cwong@idiominc.c
> om> To
> Robert D
> 05/24/2005 09:43 Anderson/Rochester/IBM@IBMUS
> AM cc
> Subject
> Re: [dita] Groups - Suggested
> updates for 1.0 specification
> (suggestedUpdates.html) uploaded
>I agree with just about all the suggested updates.
>Comments on the suggested updates:
> mentions a typo in "catalog.xml". Is there such a file? The closest I
> see is catalog-dita.xml, and it does not have the typo in question.
> remove entity declaration for "ut-d-simpletable" from
> utilitiesDomain.ent: could you give some background?
> hilightDomain.mod: typo, I think. Should be "highlightDomain.mod".
> <property> in reference.mod should be described as "Property Row",
> not "Property". Maybe we could have a better name? The suggested long
> name seems to mix presentation with semantic.
> "sepcialization" typo in topic.mod: programmingDomain.mod also has
> the same typo.
>Sorry for the late notice.
> wrote:
> The document named Suggested updates for 1.0 specification
> (suggestedUpdates.html) has been submitted by Mr. Robert Anderson to
> the
> OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC document
> repository.
> Document Description:
> The suggested changes correct a couple of technical problems in the
> specification, as well as suggesting numerous corrections to comments
> in
> the DTD and XSD files. The suggested changes are grouped roughly by
> type,
> with general changes first (including all technical problems),
> followed by
> incorrect element descriptions, typos, and entity issues.
> View Document Details:
> Download Document:
> PLEASE NOTE: If the above links do not work for you, your email
> application
> may be breaking the link into two pieces. You may be able to copy
> and paste
> the entire link address into the address field of your web browser.
> -OASIS Open Administration
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