As the primary voting representative of JustSystems Canada, Inc. to OASIS, I endorse the following statement of use: JustSystems Canada, Inc. has successfully used the DITA 1.3 Committee Specification 01 Part 3 (All Inclusive Edition), approved 21 August 2015, in accordance with section 4.1, "Conformance of DITA implementations," section 4.2, "Conformance of DITA documents", and section 4.3, "Conformance of DITA processors". XMetaL Author Enterprise 10.0, created by JustSystems Canada, Inc., is a fully-aware DITA processor under the definition in section 4.3; XMetaL Author Enterprise 10.0 interoperates with multiple independent implementations. Among others, XMetaL Author Enterprise 10.0 implements new functionality specific to the following structures and features added to DITA 1.3: • Scoped keys • Highlight domain elements <line-through> and <overline> • Grouping element <div> • XML mention domain • Learning and training domain updates • Release management domain • Same-topic references ("dot" syntax) • Troubleshooting topic, task and note markup • All other changes to DITA element types and structures -- Tom Magliery XML Technology Specialist JustSystems Canada, Inc.