OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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Request for Planning on IPR Mode Transition - DITA TC

  • 1.  Request for Planning on IPR Mode Transition - DITA TC

    Posted 06-29-2006 14:35
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    dita message

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    Subject: Request for Planning on IPR Mode Transition - DITA TC

    Members of the OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture TC,
    As you know from our previous announcements [1], all OASIS TCs that existed
    before April 2005, and still operating under our  Legacy IPR Policy [2], will
    be required to transition to our updated IPR Policy [3] before April 2007,
    unless they choose to close.
    We want to make sure that you are receiving the assistance you need in order
    to make this decision and, when appropriate, conduct a transition ballot.  We
    also are concerned that some TCs may not begin the process soon enough to
    comfortably complete one (or more) ballots, as needed.  We wish to make sure
    that no committees are terminated next April simply as a result of inadequate
    time or planning.  This is a concern, because I understand from your TC staff
    contact (who is copied in this message) that your technical committee has not
    yet made plans about a transition.
    The transition process is described in detail in our IPR Transition Policy
    [4] and an accompanying FAQ [5].  Essentially, it requires the TC to choose
    one of the policy's three licensing modes, by a regular vote (Transition
    Request Ballot), and then to complete a successful and unanimous special
    ballot (Transition Approval Ballot) to confirm it.  The TC Administrator must
    conduct the Transition Approval Ballot no earlier than 30 days after a
    Transition Request Ballot.  If either ballot were to fail, additional ballots
    would be needed, so let me stress that this process should start well before
    2007, if at all possible.
    We will publicly post the reports we receive from each TC about its plans for
    transition, to make sure that members have the information.  Also, the Board
    of Directors has requested that I include in our monthly Operations Report the
    names of each TC that has yet to notify their Staff Contact of their
    transition plans.  You TC was included in the recent report submitted to the
    Board.  To provide the Board with status of the TC IPR Transition progress, a
    summary chart is provided to the Board each month.  Here is the summary chart
    from the May Operations Report.
    TC Transition to New IPR Policy Modes	Prior Month		May Changes
    Total May	   
    TCs Operating under New IPR Mode  		13			0
    TCs Planning to Transition in 2006 Q2	3			0
    TCs Planning to Transition in 2006 Q3	4			+1
    TCs Planning to Transition in 2006 Q4	13			+2
    TCs Planning to Transition in 2007 Q1	2			+2
    TCs Planning to Complete/Close in 2006	5			-4
    TCs Planning to Complete/Close in 2007	7			+4
    TCs Haven't Considered/Decided Yet		8			-3
    TCs No Answer					9			-2
    OASIS Staff stands ready to assist you in this process.  If you have any
    questions or concerns about transition, or the IPR policy or its modes, please
    feel free to contact me, your TC staff contact, or any other member of our
    standards development staff.
    Best regards,
    Patrick Gannon
    President & CEO
    +1.978.667.5115 x201  - office
    +1.978.761.3546       - mobile
    Skype: pgannon
    [1] Prior announcements: 
    [2] Legacy IPR Policy:  
    [3] 2005 IPR Policy:  
    [4] IPR Transition Policy:  
    [5] Transition FAQ:  

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