Thanks for the close read. Some responses ...
"Ogden, Jeff"
<jogden@ptc.com> wrote on 07/08/2007 10:55:30 PM:
. .
I do need to convey
somehow that, from the author's perspective,
linking is something more
than a hint -- that authors will avoid
providing topic references
on a column when the topics shouldn't
receive the link to the
header topic, which thus provides a kind
of weak validation (but
that's another loaded term).
I still like “hint”. The Arbortext Editor does
produce edit time warnings if someone tries to place a topicref into a reltable
column when the type doesn’t match the type of the relcolspec. It isn’t
a constraint or validation exactly since the user can choose to ignore the
warning. We’ve had requests to automatically place topicrefs in the
correct column in a reltable based on type. We haven’t had requests to do
anything similar with attributes other than type.
> The proposal calls
for the addition of topicref to the content model
> of relcolspec. This
would provide a feature somewhat similar to the
> inheritance that
already exists for topicmeta. It is different in
> that topicrefs
themselves aren’t inherited elsewhere in DITA
> documents, although
some of their attributes might be.
I'd suggest the analogy to
the cascade of values down the
inheritance hierarchy is a
little misleading.
But the inheritance
hierarchy is all we have in DITA 1.1 to explain how relcolspec and topicmeta
within relcolspec work. Having to introduce new special case rules for
relcolspec as part of this proposal is one of the things that makes we worry
about the overall DITA specification getting too large and too complicated.
While I am uneasy, if everyone else is comfortable with adding more special
cases, I can get over my uneasiness.
relationship table today provides a method of distribution
across cells.
The <relcolspec>
provides a container for properties that apply
to the entire column
(vertical distribution).
This is inheritance to the relcells in a column isn’t
The <relrow>
establishes linking relationships across topicrefs
in different columns
(horizontal distribution).
The proposal to add
topicrefs to <relcolspec> is consistent
with those existing
distribution mechanisms.
I see it as adding something beyond what is there
due to inheritance now.
with the current DITA, the contents of <relcolspec> apply to every cell in
the column (vertical distribution).
With the current DITA
there are some attributes that do not inherit and so would not apply to every
relcell. This proposal adds something new that goes beyond that. That may
be OK, but we should be aware that it is a new case that applies just to
As with <relrow>, the distribution of a <topicref>
establishes a linking relationship.
I agree.
I'd also note a
consistency (though not as directly relevant)
with linking relationships
established between parent and child
topicrefs in the map
> Is there a need to
merge attribute values from a
> topicref in a
relcolspec with attribute values on a matching
> topicref that appears
explicitly in a relcell?
I wouldn't think so
because the attributes of a <topicref> are
properties of the
referenced topic and not (via <relcolspec>)
of the column as a whole.
I agree.
> Is this just a matter
of copying the data and data-about elements
> from the relcolspec
into the relcell during processing in a manner
> that is like what is
done for topicmeta?
Yes, the proposal is to
distribute properties expressed with
the <data> element
consistent with the distribution of properties
expressed with attributes.
A belated realization:
given that <data-about> isn't about its
container, there would be
no reason to distribute it.
> Is there a need to
merge matching data or data-about
> elements in some
Good point. The
proposal should certainly address this issue.
Existing distribution of
attribute values from <relcolspec> is
overridden by setting the
same attribute within a topicref in the
Applying the same principle
consistently, the distribution
of <data> should be
overridden when a topicref contains <data>
with the same value for
the name attribute or with the same
specialized <data>
Would this be true just within a reltable or would it apply
more generally throughout a DITA document? You can probably guess from what I’ve
written already that I’d be happier if it applied more generally and were
not a special case for reltables.
> Are data and
data-about inherited elsewhere within DITA documents?
The <data> element
specifies a property of its container element.
In the case of the
<relcolspec>, the property applies to the entire
column similar to the
attributes of the <relcolspec> or the <topicmeta>
> Could these elements
or specializations more simply be included
> within topicmeta
rather than directly within relcolspec?
The <data> element
is already included within <topicmeta>.
Right, so isn’t that sufficient? Do we need to allow
<data> to be used directly within relcolspec as well? Or why do we have
the topicmeta element at all when we could just allow all of the topicmeta
contents to be used directly?
The <data> element
is provided directly within other map contexts,
however, so
specializations can express properties more directly
and obviously.
Providing the <data> element directly for <relcolspec>
would be consistent with
the map elsewhere.
I agree that this ship has already sailed. I can live with
There is a comment that says: “Base processing could also use the
> title of the first
topic from the <relcolspec> as the label for the
> grouped related links
from the column in the output for each topic
> referenced in other
columns.” I guess I’m not sure why just the
> title form the first
topicref would be used. And is this the actual
> title from the topic
that is referenced or the value of the navtitle
> attribute on the
topicref? Providing a way to specify the label to
> use for a related
link group seems like a good idea, but is using a
> title from a topicref
the right way to do this? Would a topichead
> element work for this
as well or better? Or would allowing a title
> element to appear
within a relcolspec be a more straight forward approach?
This issue came up in
discussion at the Technical Committee. Because
a group can only have one
label, it makes sense to get that label from
the first location where a
label can be found. I would think the
standard <topicref>
rules could apply in determining the order of
finding a label.
That is, if the
<topicref> has a navtitle attribute and either doesn't
refer to a DITA topic or
does have a locktitle attribute of yes, a
processor should get the
title from the <topicref>. If the <topicref>
has an href attribute that
refers to a DITA topic, the processor should
get the <navtitle>
element or, failing that, the <title> element from
the topic.
Otherwise, recurse on the first child <topicref>.
Those rules allow matching
on an initial <topichead> element and
recursion on an initial
<topicgroup> element (given that both are
specializations of
I would support your
proposal to add a navtitle attribute
to <recolspec> as
the first possible match in a recursive descent
to find a label for
(In passing, I believe
there is a separate proposal arising out
of the translation
subcommittee to introduce a <title> subelement
for all elements with a
navtitle attribute.)
I’d rather not
add a navtitle attribute. Attributes on table markup are hard to display
visually within the constraints imposed by small cells. I guess I’d
rather just add a title element and be done with it. I’m not sure
that topic titles or navtitles will make good group labels in any case.
> There is a note that
says: “The specification might also consider
> whether a
<data> element in a relcell would distribute to other
> columns in the same
row (providing a horizontal equivalent to this
> vertical distributive
capability).” ... Is this really
> looking for a
relrowspec element to play the same role for rows as
> relcolspec does for
I didn't have a developed
thought on the horizontal distribution
of properties but wanted
to raise the issue, so thanks for
following up.
You make a good point
that, to introduce distribution of attribute
values and <data>
horizontally across the row, the best approach
would be to add a
<relrowspec> element. I don't think we should
introduce such an element
now, however.
I agree.
all that makes sense, I'll revise the proposal accordingly (in particular,
remove the
"constraints" terminology).
Hoping that clarifies,
It did, thanks.
Erik Hennum