OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

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  • 1.  Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-07-2009 12:19
    Given a root map and a subordinate map in a subdirectory under the root map,
    where the subordinate map contains a topicref that specifies @href to a
    topic, e.g., in the sub map:

  • 2.  RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 02:00

    Isn't this just a specific example of the same problem that comes up in many contexts with conref?  For example using the same setup as in the original example, but with somewhat more content:

      <topicref id="tr-01" href="../topics/topic-01.dita" >

          <topicref href="../topics/topic-01.dita" />


    If tr-01 is conrefed, should the two @href values reference to the same file or not?

    I assume that the presence or absence of processing-role="resource-only" doesn't make any difference here, but if I've missed something, please let me know.

    Unless I've misunderstood something, I just don’t think that this is an issue that we can take on at this late stage of the DITA 1.2 cycle.

    Note that if this were a key definition (it isn't), then the answer would be clear because the draft DITA 1.2 specification says:

    A relative URI in an href attribute on a key definition is resolved relative to the location of the key definition rather than relative to the location of the key reference.



  • 3.  Re: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIsrewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 13:54
    On 11/8/09 7:59 PM, "Ogden, Jeff" 

  • 4.  Re: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 14:09
    > Are there any vendors who implement @conref who *don't* do what the
    > does? If so, then we have an interoperation problem. If not, then we can
    > probably safely codify the Toolkit behavior by adding a specific
    > about @href.
    The implementations I worked on early in DITA's life blindly copied the
    href as-is, and when people started getting more adventurous with conref
    across directory boundaries, it came up very quickly as a bug. To me, it
    seemed obvious what the behavior *should* be - href is adjusted to remain
    valid - but I can see Eliot's point that a strict reading of the spec would
    copy href as-is with other attributes.
    I'm happy clarifying the spec as Eliot wants to do, because I do think this
    is the expected and reasonable behavior. In the years we've been adjusting
    href during conref resolution, I don't think I've ever heard from any user
    who was surprised by it. But, I'm willing to re-evaluate that opinion if
    there are vendors or users today who have a reason to support the blind
    Robert D Anderson
    IBM Authoring Tools Development
    Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit

  • 5.  RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 14:59

    Does the DITA OT adjust all of the href values within conrefed content or just the href values on the referenced element?

    Does the DITA OT adjust referencing attribute values beyond @href? An example would be @conref and there are others.

    Where does the following case fall in this discussion?

    File: t1.dita

    <topic  id="t1">


       <p id="p1">Para1 in t1</p>

       <p id="p2">

          <xref href="#t1/p1" />



    File: t2.dita

    <topic  id="t2">


        <p id="p1">Para1 in t2</p>

        <p conref="t1.dita#t1/p2" />



    When topic t2 is processed:

    1.  is the xref in error because the id "t1" doesn't exist in topic t2?

    2.  or is the xref a link to p1 in t1?

    3.  or should the href value be rewritten to give a link to p1 in t2?

    All I'm saying is that there are a number of cases to consider once you start down the road of adjusting things and I worry about approaching this piecemeal for DITA 1.2 in a rush at the last minute without a formal proposal and with only a short time for discussion (unless we slip the DITA 1.2 deadlines further and perhaps that is what we should do given all of the questions that have been raised recently).



  • 6.  RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 15:09
    The normative/non-normative strategy I heard articulated at some point was to state the desired outcome and leave it to the implementor to figure out how to get there.
    If we followed that strategy, then the way the OT handles @href could be given as an example. This seems to me a way of having our non-normative cake and eating it too in the form of examples of the implementation strategy that the OT uses.
    Re treatment of further references from within the referenced content:
    • What is the desired outcome?
    • How does the OT deal with that now, and could that be cited as an example for reaching the desired outcome?

    From: Ogden, Jeff [mailto:jogden@ptc.com]
    Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 9:57 AM
    To: dita
    Subject: RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Does the DITA OT adjust all of the href values within conrefed content or just the href values on the referenced element?

    Does the DITA OT adjust referencing attribute values beyond @href? An example would be @conref and there are others.

    Where does the following case fall in this discussion?

    File: t1.dita

    <topic  id="t1">


       <p id="p1">Para1 in t1</p>

       <p id="p2">

          <xref href="#t1/p1" />



    File: t2.dita

    <topic  id="t2">


        <p id="p1">Para1 in t2</p>

        <p conref="t1.dita#t1/p2" />



    When topic t2 is processed:

    1.  is the xref in error because the id "t1" doesn't exist in topic t2?

    2.  or is the xref a link to p1 in t1?

    3.  or should the href value be rewritten to give a link to p1 in t2?

    All I'm saying is that there are a number of cases to consider once you start down the road of adjusting things and I worry about approaching this piecemeal for DITA 1.2 in a rush at the last minute without a formal proposal and with only a short time for discussion (unless we slip the DITA 1.2 deadlines further and perhaps that is what we should do given all of the questions that have been raised recently).



  • 7.  Re: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIsrewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 15:11
    On 11/9/09 8:57 AM, "Ogden, Jeff" 

  • 8.  RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 15:16
    Good point, I'd forgotten about that case. I think that came up several
    months ago, and we decided it was too late in DITA 1.2 to try and resolve
    that specific issue, given that implementations likely resolve it
    differently today. I know what we do for that particular case, but (as
    others often point out) what the OT does is not particularly relevant in
    determining what the spec should do.
    I'm not sure how that affects the more general case though, in that the (to
    me) obvious behavior seems to be technically invalid. Perhaps some wiggle
    room around the href attribute, stating that attributes containing relative
    URIs may be adjusted as conref is resolved?
    Robert D Anderson
    IBM Authoring Tools Development
    Chief Architect, DITA Open Toolkit
                 "Ogden, Jeff"                                                 

  • 9.  Re: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIsrewritten?

    Posted 11-09-2009 15:27
    On 11/9/09 9:15 AM, "Robert D Anderson" 

  • 10.  RE: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref: are relative URIs rewritten?

    Posted 11-10-2009 06:30

    Eliot asked:

    > Are there any vendors who implement @conref who *don't* do what the Toolkit does?

    Arbortext Editor probably gets the same result as the Toolkit, but not in the same way. Arbortext Editor uses a path list to resolve relative references.  For DITA linking elements (conref, xref, link, topicref, …) it is the ditapath list.  For graphic referendes (image) it is the graphicspath list. The list usually consists of:

    1.  the base URI for the referencing element (for conrefed elements this is the directory for the document that contains the referenced element)

    2.  the document directory for the referencing element, if this is different from the base URI

    3.  zero or more additional paths to directories

    We look for the referenced file starting with the first location on the list and work our way down the list until we find the file or we run out of locations to check.

    Users can change what is on the list or the order of the paths on the list.

    So in Eliot’s example, we’d get the same result as the OT, if the file exists at that location. If the file doesn’t exist at that location, we might be able to continue if the file exists at one of several other locations. Otherwise we report an error.

    This approach avoids the issue that Eliot raised without having to “rewrite URIs”.  It works for a relative href on the referenced element and for relative href values on markup within the referenced element.

