Does the DITA OT adjust all of the href values within conrefed
content or just the href values on the referenced element?
Does the DITA OT adjust referencing attribute values
beyond @href? An example would be @conref and there are others.
All I'm saying is that there are a number of cases to
consider once you start down the road of adjusting things and I worry about approaching
this piecemeal for DITA 1.2 in a rush at the last minute without a formal
proposal and with only a short time for discussion (unless we slip the DITA 1.2
deadlines further and perhaps that is what we should do given all of the
questions that have been raised recently).
Original Message-----
> From: ekimber []
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:53 AM
> To: Ogden, Jeff; dita
> Subject: Re: [dita] Conref of topicref to topicref:
are relative URIs
> rewritten?
> On 11/8/09 7:59 PM, "Ogden, Jeff"
<> wrote:
> > Isn't this just a specific example of the same
problem that comes up
> in
> > many contexts with conref? For example
using the same setup as in
> the
> > original example, but with somewhat more
> > <topicref id="tr-01"
href="../topics/topic-01.dita" >
> >
<topicref href="../topics/topic-01.dita" />
> > </topicref>
> > If tr-01 is conrefed, should the two @href
values reference to the
> same
> > file or not?
> Good question--unless all the pointers are
rewritten, the conreffed
> result
> will be broken.
> > I assume that the presence or absence of
> only"
> > doesn't make any difference here, but if I've
missed something,
> please
> > let me know.
> It doesn't--that only controls whether or not the
topic referenced is
> included in the navigation hierarchy by the
topicref--it wouldn't
> affect the
> result of conreffing that topicref into another
> > Unless I've misunderstood something, I just
don't think that this is
> an
> > issue that we can take on at this late stage of
the DITA 1.2 cycle.
> That's for the TC to decide. I'm simply raising the
issue as a place in
> the
> spec where essential behavior is underspecified and
strict reading of
> the
> spec will result in non-working results.
> Are there any vendors who implement @conref who
*don't* do what the
> Toolkit
> does? If so, then we have an interoperation problem.
If not, then we
> can
> probably safely codify the Toolkit behavior by
adding a specific
> statement
> about @href.
> > Note that if this were a key definition (it
isn't), then the answer
> > would be clear because the draft DITA 1.2
specification says:
> >
> > A relative URI in an href attribute on a key
definition is resolved
> > relative to the location of the key definition
rather than relative
> to
> > the location of the key reference.
> This is sensible because @keyref is not content
reference but
> indirection.
> That is, for a topicref that points to another
topicref by @keyref,
> you're
> not transcluding the referenced topicref, but simply
> through it.
> So the effective location of the topicref that
specifies @href isn't
> changed.
> With @conref, the location *is* changed, because
content reference
> changes
> the effective value of the *reference* and the
current rules as stated,
> if
> interpreted strictly, mean that the Toolkit's
behavior is *non
> conforming*.
> Cheers,
> Eliot
> ----
> Eliot Kimber | Senior Solutions Architect | Really
Strategies, Inc.
> email:
> office: 610.631.6770 | cell: 512.554.9368
> 2570 Boulevard of the Generals | Suite 213 |
Audubon, PA 19403
> <>
> <> |
> <>