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Fwd: Media Release: Emergency Alert System Manufacturers and Service Providers Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS

  • 1.  Fwd: Media Release: Emergency Alert System Manufacturers and Service Providers Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS

    Posted 09-26-2008 20:24
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  • 2.  Re: [emergency] Fwd: Media Release: Emergency Alert SystemManufacturers and Service Providers Develop Profile for Using CommonAlerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS

    Posted 09-26-2008 21:27
    Hi Elysa,
    Does this mean that we no longer need to be 
    concerned with this work, since OASIS is 
    mentioned only as the developer of CAP? That 
    would certainly mean a lot less work for us.
    At 3:16 PM -0500 9/26/08, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>Delivered-To: 108-ejones@warningsystems.com
    >>Delivered-To: press@eas-cap.org
    >>User-Agent: Web-Based Email 4.14.4
    >>From: press@eas-cap.org
    >>To: press@eas-cap.org
    >>Subject: Media Release: Emergency Alert System 
    >>Manufacturers and Service Providers
    >>  Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS
    >>Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:54:56 -0700
    >>X-pstn-neptune: 0/0/0.00/0
    >>X-pstn-levels:     (S:99.90000/99.90000 CV: 
    >>0.9999 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
    >>X-pstn-settings: 5 (2.0000:2.0000) s CV gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
    >>X-pstn-addresses: from 

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] Fwd: Media Release: Emergency Alert System Manufacturers and Service Providers Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS

    Posted 09-26-2008 21:54
    Rex and others, 

    It is my understanding that FEMA will request the OASIS-EMTC to review and take through the standards process this EAS-CAP profile.  We have the Subcommittee formed to do this and expect there to be a request coming to us soon to accept this as a work product and begin our effort. 

    Regards, Elysa

    At 04:29 PM 9/26/2008, Rex Brooks wrote:

    Hi Elysa,

    Does this mean that we no longer need to be concerned with this work, since OASIS is mentioned only as the developer of CAP? That would certainly mean a lot less work for us.


    At 3:16 PM -0500 9/26/08, Elysa Jones wrote:
    Delivered-To: 108-ejones@warningsystems.com
    Delivered-To: press@eas-cap.org
    User-Agent: Web-Based Email 4.14.4
    From: press@eas-cap.org
    To: press@eas-cap.org
    Subject: Media Release: Emergency Alert System Manufacturers and Service Providers
     Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS
    Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:54:56 -0700
    X-pstn-neptune: 0/0/0.00/0
    X-pstn-levels:     (S:99.90000/99.90000 CV: 0.9999 R:95.9108 P:95.9108 M:97.0282 C:98.6951 )
    X-pstn-settings: 5 (2.0000:2.0000) s CV gt3 gt2 gt1 r p m c
    X-pstn-addresses: from <press@eas-cap.org> [419/14]

    Press Release

    Emergency Alert System Manufacturers and Service Providers Develop Profile for Using Common Alerting Protocol in Broadcast EAS

    Industry Leaders Collaborate on Utilizing Open Standard to Facilitate Interoperability of Advanced Emergency Alert System Capabilities in the U.S.

    25 September 2008 - The EAS-CAP Industry Group - a broad coalition of equipment, software and service providers to the Emergency Alert System - today announced that its members have released a draft profile for the effective use and translation of the open, non-proprietary Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)1 for the next generation of broadcast EAS. The profile will be an important step towards improving interoperability across agencies, jurisdictions, systems and vendors, helping to ensure that the public benefits from improved capabilities to communicate weather, civil, AMBER and other alerts via broadcast media.

    The Industry Group will provide this profile as a recommendation to U.S. governmental agencies and industry associations on the use of CAP for EAS purposes, including the FCC, FEMA, National Weather Service, and other organizations. Group members intend to rapidly implement the EAS-CAP profile within their own systems and equipment. The EAS-CAP profile provides developers and manufacturers guidelines as to which elements in a CAP message are required for an EAS message, identifies how a mandatory alert from a state/territorial Governor would be identified, describes basic authentication and security features, recommends accepted formats for audio messages, and other features.  The output of the Group's work is publicly accessible on its website www.eas-cap.org, and the Group will offer a mechanism for public comment on that site. The Group plans to continue its work to solicit feedback and provide recommendations to EAS stakeholders.


    The Group was established in response to the July 2007 decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to maintain EAS and have all U.S. EAS participants adopt an ability to receive messages using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) within 180 days after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) formally adopts CAP version 1.1 as a standard for EAS.2  FEMA's announcement on CAP adoption is expected in the first quarter of 2009.

    The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a simple but general format for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts and public warnings over all kinds of networks. CAP allows a consistent warning message to be disseminated simultaneously over many different warning systems, such as computers, wireless communications, alarms, and television radio and cable via broadcast EAS.

    Group members supporting the EAS-CAP Profile include:

    Digital Alert Systems, LLC

    Hormann America, Inc.

    iBiquity Digital Corporation

    Monroe Electronics, Inc.


    Sage Alerting Systems, Inc.

    SpectraRep, LLC

    TFT, Inc.

    Trilithic, Inc.

    Warning Systems, Inc.

    Additional information:
    For more information about the EAS-CAP Industry Group and its EAS-CAP Profile, visit < http://www.eas-cap.org> http://www.eas-cap.org.

    For more information about the EAS, visit the FCC's Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau < http://www.fcc.gov/pshs/eas/> http://www.fcc.gov/pshs/eas/. For more information about the FCC's Report and Order on CAP, visit
    < http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.pdf > http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-07-109A1.pdf .

    About the EAS-CAP Industry Group:
    The EAS-CAP Industry Group is an informal coalition of Emergency Alert System equipment, software and
    service providers. Using the best available information, the EAS-CAP Industry Group has collaborated to
    develop a voluntary profile for the interoperability of advanced Emergency Alert System (EAS) capabilities in the United States using the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). Specifically, the Industry Group collaborated to coordinate interoperable data standards among Emergency Alert System equipment, software and service providers. Further, the Industry Group will seek to provide recommendations to U.S. governmental agencies and industry associations on the use of CAP for EAS purposes.

    The EAS-CAP Industry Group's intention is to offer an interoperable EAS-CAP data profile that is a freely
    available resource for EAS participants, equipment, software and service providers, to the benefit of public alert and warning capabilities throughout the United States. It is the intention of the Industry Group that any work product of the group be free of copyright and intellectual property constraints.

    Press contact:
    <press@eas-cap.org"> mailto:press@eas-cap.org> press@eas-cap.org

    1 The Common Alerting Protocol v1.1 was developed by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), a non-profit, international consortium that develops standards.

    2 Review of the Emergency Alert System, Second Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 22 FCC Rcd. 13275 (2007), EB Docket No. 04-296 (Second EAS Report and Order).
    Content-Type: application/pdf; name="EAS-CAP Industry Group Media Release.pdf"; x-avg-checked=avg-ok-295F5802
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="EAS-CAP Industry Group Media Release.pdf";
    Elysa Jones
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee
    Chief Technology Officer, Chief Operating Officer
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    256-880-8702 x102
    256-694-8702 cell
    <ejones@warningsystems.com"> mailto:ejones@warningsystems.com>ejones@warningsystems. <ejones@warningsystems.com%3Ecom"> mailto:ejones@warningsystems.com>com

    Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:EAS-CAP Industry Gro#CA7DE3.pdf (PDF /«IC») (00CA7DE3)
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

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