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Fwd: Nonsensical text concerning coordinates in CAP Specification

  • 1.  Fwd: Nonsensical text concerning coordinates in CAP Specification

    Posted 03-29-2004 20:51
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Fwd: Nonsensical text concerning coordinates in CAP Specification

    Forwarding to the TC list for discussion....
    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: "Bob Wyman" <bob@wyman.us>
    > Date: March 28, 2004 4:05:47 PM EST
    > To: <emergency-comment@lists.oasis-open.org>
    > Subject: [emergency-comment] Nonsensical text concerning coordinates 
    > in CAP Specification
    > Reply-To: <bob@wyman.us>
    > 	It is said in Section 3.3.1 of the CAP V1.0 specification
    > that:
    >      "Coordinates in the Southern and Western hemispheres
    >       are signed negative with a leading dash."
    > 	I am aware of no usage of the English language that permits
    > one to refer to a "coordinate" as "negative." Coordinates are composed
    > of pairs of numbers which represent latitude and longitude, any one or
    > both of these numbers may be "negative." While the components of a
    > coordinate may individually be "negative" (preceded by a "dash") a
    > coordinate which contains such a "negative" component is not referred
    > to as "negative" in normal English usage nor is such usage made in the
    > realm of mathematics. (Is a coordinate with two "negative" components
    > "negative" or "positive"?)
    > 	When writing standards, it is best to use commonly accepted
    > language and meanings in order to ensure that ambiguities do not
    > result from misinterpretations.
    > 		bob wyman
    > See:
    > http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=coordinate
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    R. Allen Wyke
    Chief Technology Officer

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