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Subject: RE: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm
As far as grant specific guidelines, since I don't work directly for OJP I
don't feel qualified to answer.
That said, here is my opinion (which only matters to my dog). Re: someone
implementing CAP without OJP funding, there isn't any compliance with JXDM
to discuss. If someone implements a system with CAP and JXDM, compliance is
optional for those doing the implementation, unless funding is coming from
OJP, then the implementation is governed by the grant guidelines unless
specific exemptions are granted. Not sure I answered the question, but
hopefully this is clear.
I believe most of the public safety companies, especially those involved in
the Integrated Justice Working Group ( have determined it is
easier to build their systems to be fully compliant than to do one compliant
and another not.