OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Re: EDXL - reference template implementation example

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Re: EDXL - reference template implementation example

    Posted 02-03-2008 20:42
    Glad to help out here.  
    Feb 22nd works well - gives me extra time to look at those other message formats.
    I'm hoping people can provide us feedback on rule / content refinements as they review the examples - as what is up there so far is just my best guess - rather than actual scenario information.
    Thanks, DW

  • 2.  CIQ and

    Posted 02-05-2008 21:12
    I see what you mean when you say that this is a grey area in XSD.  I checked
    the Recommendation and indeed this is a grey area.  It is true that the
    current CIQ schema does not violate any normative statement in the
    Recommendation.  So even though it is intuitively wrong, it is not an
    outright error either.
    The reason I say it is intuitively wrong is that *actually* extending a
    "complex type definition with simple content" into a "complex type
    definition with complex content" (i.e., by adding particles) is forbidden by
    the Recommendation.  So you cannot use the