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Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2004.06.29
1. CAP Outreach: Allen asks if there are any comments on presentation.
Kwasi mentions that it should include who is using CAP. Allen to send
email to group with list of known implementations and request people to
submit any others they know of. Gary mentions that Art's meeting had
about 35 people on the call, so we know there are people implementing.
Rex mentions adding Resources slide - pointing dev list, etc. - would
also be useful. Use Future slide to further define how we are going to
help propagate CAP 1.0.
2. CAP Errata: Elysa was unable to attend the meeting today. Will ask
her to update the group via an email to the list.
3. Summer Schedule: Some concern about being able to make the meetings
if they are only once a month - issue with maintaining 2 out of 3.
After some discussion, we decided to stay with our current schedule.
4. Gary attended a DHS meeting focused on EM needs. It included
(forgive in advance misspelled names, departments/companies, titles,
etc.) Chip Hinds of Disaster Management, Barry West (CIO FEMA), Dave
Boyd, Dean Ross of HHS, Larry Skelly EPNR SMP???, Gary Watry Deputy to
the Emergency Manager for the State of FL, representative of Fire
Chief's, the guy who invented FRED (Maryland). David Aylward.
Purpose: What are the real requirements for DM to support NIMS. They
want to come up with some requirements to pass off to the EM TC. Tom M
is going to look into this and try and to determine what is going on.
Touchstone Consulting (Jennifer Jibert is running/organizing it) has
the contract for doing this. Their #1 request was around the question
of what does an EM Wrapper need to contain.
Allen comments on the concepts of WSDL and its purpose within Web
Services. Specifically, the idea of us defining a set of standard
functions/methods/interfaces, and then building profiles/"instances" in
WSDL or whatever. Gary agrees - a "virtual WSDL". Along these lines,
its probably time to outline a roadmap for the TC that would include
such vision.
5. F2F: Some availability in mid-August. Gary offers Stafford.
Identified 17/18 of August or 14/15 of Sept as possible dates. Will put
up a ballot in Kavi to vote over the next week.
6. Kon brings up idea of an authentication registry - is now the time
to talk about it more. Rex brings up that this might be a good way to
help the IF SC to get rolling again - proposes that we punt that to
that committee. Kon to post a message to the IF SC - Rex will respond
to help kick things off.
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC
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