OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] CAP-related Comments

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] CAP-related Comments

    Posted 10-16-2003 01:19
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] CAP-related Comments

    Walid -
    I know you're doing your best... and that you're also aware of the 
    discussion that followed Jeff's initial post that you cite, in the 
    course of which he clarified his concerns considerably from that very 
    broad initial statement.
    Those concerns turned out to be, primarily, about how restrictive the 
    options for geospatial descriptions ought to be, and secondarily, 
    whether the event descriptions and instructions could also be coded 
    more strictly.  Those specific questions appear separately in your 
    For the benefit of other TC members who couldn't participate in the 
    demo in DC, the archive of the demo team's working email is visible 
    at <http://www.incident.com/pipermail/cap-interop/>.  I'll undertake 
    to keep that archive online for reference at least 'till we're done 
    with this round of deliberations.
    - Art
    At 6:21 PM -0400 10/15/03, Walid Ramadan wrote:
    >I was simply reading the archived emails and pulling out what sounded
    >like a comment.  For example, the statement " Protocol is too vague to
    >allow for automated mapping of CAP messages into other, existing
    >systems" comes from the CAP Interop mailing list archives.  It is from
    >Jeff Kyser, Sept 29, 2003 in response to your request for lessons
    >learned following the demonstration.
    >I could not tell from the emails whether this issue was resolved or not,
    >so I felt compelled to capture it as a topic for discussion.